29YARP_DEPRECATED_MSG("Use std::getenv instead")
"This method is deprecated. Use yarp::os::SystemInfo::getProcessInfo().name instead")
A mini-server for performing network communication in the background.
Expands to either the standard [[deprecated]] attribute or a compiler-specific decorator such as __at...
An interface to the operating system, including Port based communication.
int mkdir(const char *p)
Portable wrapper for the mkdir() function.
int rename(const char *oldname, const char *newname)
Portable wrapper for the rename() function.
void setEnergySavingModeState(bool enabled)
Toggle the OS energy saving feature.
char * getcwd(char *buf, size_t size)
Portable wrapper for the getcwd() function.
int stat(const char *path)
Portable wrapper for the stat() function.
int getpid()
Portable wrapper for the getppid() function.
const char * getenv(const char *var)
Portable wrapper for the getenv() function.
int fork()
Portable wrapper for the fork() function.
int rmdir(const char *p)
Portable wrapper for the rmdir() function.
void setprogname(const char *progname)
Portable wrapper for the setprogname() function.
std::string gethostname()
Portable wrapper for the gethostname() function.
void getprogname(char *progname, size_t size)
Portable wrapper for the getprogname() function.
int mkdir_p(const char *p, int ignoreLevels=0)
Create a directory and all parent directories needed.