17 class IControlModeRaw;
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODE_GROUP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_UNKNOWN
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_MIXED
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_TORQUE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_PWM
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_HW_FAULT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_VEL
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_IDLE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_CALIB_DONE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_NOT_CONFIGURED
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_POSITION
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODES
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_CONFIGURED
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_CURRENT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_POS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_POSITION_DIRECT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ICONTROLMODE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_VELOCITY
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_FORCE_IDLE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_CALIBRATING
Interface for setting control mode in control board.
virtual bool getControlModeRaw(int j, int *mode)=0
virtual ~IControlModeRaw()
virtual bool setControlModeRaw(const int j, const int mode)=0
virtual bool getControlModesRaw(const int n_joint, const int *joints, int *modes)=0
virtual bool setControlModesRaw(const int n_joint, const int *joints, int *modes)=0
virtual bool setControlModesRaw(int *modes)=0
virtual bool getControlModesRaw(int *modes)=0
Interface for setting control mode in control board.
virtual bool setControlMode(const int j, const int mode)=0
Set the current control mode.
virtual bool setControlModes(const int n_joint, const int *joints, int *modes)=0
Set the current control mode for a subset of axes.
virtual bool getControlModes(int *modes)=0
Get the current control mode (multiple joints).
virtual bool getControlMode(int j, int *mode)=0
Get the current control mode.
virtual bool getControlModes(const int n_joint, const int *joints, int *modes)=0
Get the current control mode for a subset of axes.
virtual bool setControlModes(int *modes)=0
Set the current control mode (multiple joints).
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t createVocab(char a, char b=0, char c=0, char d=0)
The main, catch-all namespace for YARP.