102 mPriv->updateSystemInfo();
SystemInfoSerializer *const parent
Private(SystemInfoSerializer *parent)
A mini-server for performing network communication in the background.
An interface for reading from a network connection.
An interface for writing to a network connection.
std::string toString() const override
Return a standard text representation of the content of the object.
void fromString(const std::string &txt, bool wipe=true)
Interprets a string as a list of properties.
A helper class to pass the SystemInfo object around the YARP network.
yarp::os::SystemInfo::LoadInfo load
current cpu load information
bool read(yarp::os::ConnectionReader &connection) override
reads from a ConnectionReader and fill into the SystemInfo structs.
yarp::os::SystemInfo::UserInfo user
current user information
virtual ~SystemInfoSerializer()
~SystemInfoSerializer deconstructor
yarp::os::SystemInfo::StorageInfo storage
system storage information
bool write(yarp::os::ConnectionWriter &connection) const override
write the SystemInfo structs using a ConnectionWriter.
yarp::os::SystemInfo::PlatformInfo platform
operating system information
SystemInfoSerializer constructor.
yarp::os::SystemInfo::MemoryInfo memory
system memory information
yarp::os::SystemInfo::ProcessorInfo processor
system processor type information
A class to get the system (platform) status such as available memory, storage, CPU load and etc.
static MemoryInfo getMemoryInfo()
static PlatformInfo getPlatformInfo()
static UserInfo getUserInfo()
static LoadInfo getLoadInfo()
static StorageInfo getStorageInfo()
static ProcessorInfo getProcessorInfo()
An interface to the operating system, including Port based communication.