Yet Another Robot Platform
Network Servers (Wrappers)

These devices take implementations of existing interfaces and wrap them up to work across the network. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Network Servers (Wrappers):

Detailed Description

These devices take implementations of existing interfaces and wrap them up to work across the network.


class  ControlBoardWrapper
class  Map2DServer
class  GenericSensorRosPublisher< ROS_MSG >
 This abstract template needs to be specialized in a ROS Publisher, for a specific ROS mesagge/sensor type. More...
class  IMURosPublisher
 This wrapper connects to a device and publishes a ROS topic of type sensor_msgs::Imu. More...
class  MagneticFieldRosPublisher
 This wrapper connects to a device and publishes a ROS topic of type sensor_msgs::MagneticField. More...
class  PoseStampedRosPublisher
 This wrapper connects to a device and publishes a ROS topic of type geometry_msgs::PoseStamped. More...
class  TemperatureRosPublisher
 This wrapper connects to a device and publishes a ROS topic of type sensor_msgs::Temperature. More...
class  WrenchStampedRosPublisher
 This wrapper connects to a device and publishes a ROS topic of type geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped. More...
class  MultipleAnalogSensorsServer
 The server side of the MultipleAnalogSensorsClient, useful to expose device implementing MultipleAnalogSensors interfaces over the YARP network. More...
class  RGBDSensorWrapper
class  RobotDescriptionServer
 This device is a storage which contains a list of the currently opened device drivers. More...
class  ServerFrameGrabber
 Export a frame grabber to the network. More...
class  ServerGrabber
class  ServerInertial
class  ServerSerial
 Export a serial sensor. More...
class  ServerSoundGrabber
 Export a microphone device. More...
class  VirtualAnalogWrapper
 An analog wrapper for virtual device A virtual device is a software emulated device, for example force-torque computed from a real sensor and then relocated to another part of the robot or some kind of estimated measurement needed by the robot. More...


 Device that expose a battery sensor (using the IBattery interface) on the YARP network. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Device that expose a battery sensor (using the IBattery interface) on the YARP network.

Description of input parameters

It reads the data from a battery sensor and sends them on a port, acting as a streaming server for a batteryClient device. It creates one rpc port and its related handler for every output port.

Parameters required by this device are:

Parameter name SubParameter Type Units Default Value Required Description Notes
name - string - - Yes prefix of the ports opened by the device, e.g. /robotName/battery1 MUST start with a '/' character. /data:o and /rpc:i is automatically appended by the wrapper at the end
period - double s 1.0 No refresh period of the broadcasted values in seconds optional, default 1.0s
subdevice - string - - No name of the subdevice to instantiate when used, parameters for the subdevice must be provided as well
enable_shutdown - bool - false No if enabled, batteryWrapper will start a system shutdown when charge is below 5% -
enable_log - bool - false No if enabled, stores a log of battery usage on disk data stored on file batteryLog.txt
quitPortName - string - - No name of port used to terminate the execution of yarpRobotInterface used only if enable_shutdown=true

Some example of configuration files:

Configuration file using .ini format, using subdevice keyword.

device batteryWrapper
subdevice fakeBattery
name /myBatterySensor
** parameter for 'fakeBattery' subdevice follows here **

Configuration file using .xml format.

<device name="battery1" type="batteryWrapper">
<param name="period"> 20 </param>
<param name="name"> /myBatterySensor </param>
<action phase="startup" level="5" type="attach">
<paramlist name="networks">
<elem name="my_battery"> my_battery </elem>
<action phase="shutdown" level="5" type="detach" />

Definition at line 101 of file BatteryWrapper.h.