13#define JOINTIDCHECK if (m >= castToMapper(helper)->axes()){yError("motor id out of bound"); return false;}
20 doubleBuffManager(nullptr)
130 for (
size_t i=0; i< buffValues.
getSize(); i++)
133 v[i] = buffValues[k];
yarp::dev::ControlBoardHelper * castToMapper(void *p)
Control board, encoder interface.
virtual bool getTemperatureRaw(int m, double *val)=0
Get temperature of a motor.
virtual bool getTemperatureLimitRaw(int m, double *temp)=0
Retreives the current temperature limit for a specific motor.
virtual bool setGearboxRatioRaw(int m, const double val)
Set the gearbox ratio for a specific motor.
virtual bool getGearboxRatioRaw(int m, double *val)
Get the gearbox ratio for a specific motor.
virtual bool setTemperatureLimitRaw(int m, const double temp)=0
Set the temperature limit for a specific motor.
virtual bool getTemperaturesRaw(double *vals)=0
Get temperature of all the motors.
virtual ~ImplementMotor()
bool uninitialize()
Clean up internal data and memory.
ImplementMotor(yarp::dev::IMotorRaw *y)
yarp::dev::impl::FixedSizeBuffersManager< double > * doubleBuffManager
bool getTemperatureLimit(int m, double *val) override
Retreives the current temperature limit for a specific motor.
bool setTemperatureLimit(int m, const double val) override
Set the temperature limit for a specific motor.
bool getGearboxRatio(int m, double *val) override
Get the gearbox ratio for a specific motor.
bool getTemperatures(double *vals) override
Get temperature of all the motors.
bool initialize(int size, const int *amap)
Initialize the internal data and alloc memory.
bool setGearboxRatio(int m, const double val) override
Set the gearbox ratio for a specific motor.
bool getTemperature(int m, double *val) override
Get temperature of a motor.
bool getNumberOfMotors(int *num) override
Get the number of available motors.
Buffer contains info about a buffer of type T and it is used to exchange information with yarp::dev::...
T * getData()
Return the data pointer.
uint32_t getSize()
Return the number of element of buffer.
A manager of fixed size buffers in multi-thread environment.
Buffer< T > getBuffer()
Get a buffer and fill its information in @buffer.
For streams capable of holding different kinds of content, check what they actually have.