constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_JF_GET_JOINTFAULT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_IJOINTFAULT
Interface for getting info about the fault which may occur on a robot.
virtual bool getLastJointFaultRaw(int j, int &mode, std::string &message)=0
virtual ~IJointFaultRaw()
Interface for getting info about the fault which may occur on a robot.
virtual bool getLastJointFault(int j, int &fault, std::string &message)=0
For streams capable of holding different kinds of content, check what they actually have.
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t createVocab32(char a, char b=0, char c=0, char d=0)
Create a vocab from chars.
The main, catch-all namespace for YARP.