Yet Another Robot Platform
yarp::dev Namespace Reference

An interface for the device drivers. More...




class  audioBufferSizeData
class  AudioPlayerStatus
 AudioPlayerStatus: A class used to describe the status of an audio player device. More...
class  AudioRecorderStatus
 AudioRecorderStatus: A class used to describe the status of an audio recorder device. More...
class  LaserScan2D
class  Map2DLocationData
class  Map2DPathData
class  MobileBaseVelocity
class  OdometryData
class  OdometryData6D
class  CircularAudioBuffer
class  AudioBufferSize
class  AudioDeviceDriverSettings
class  AudioPlayerDeviceBase
 AudioPlayerDeviceBase : a base class for all audio player devices More...
class  AudioRecorderDeviceBase
 AudioRecorderDeviceBase : a base class for all audio recorder devices More...
class  ImplementCanBufferFactory
 Implementation of a ICanBufferFactory. More...
class  CanErrors
class  CanMessage
class  CanBuffer
class  ICanBufferFactory
class  ICanBus
 Interface for a can bus device. More...
class  ICanBusErrors
struct  CartesianEventParameters
 Structure for configuring a cartesian event. More...
struct  CartesianEventVariables
 Structure for configuring a cartesian event. More...
class  CartesianEvent
 Interface for a event notified by the cartesian controller. More...
class  ICartesianControl
 Interface for a cartesian controller. More...
class  ControlBoardHelper
class  Pid
 Contains the parameters for a PID. More...
class  DeviceDriver
 Interface implemented by all device drivers. More...
class  DeprecatedDeviceDriver
 Interface implemented by deprecated device drivers. More...
class  DeviceResponder
 A cheap and cheerful framework for human readable/writable forms of messages to devices. More...
class  DriverLinkCreator
 A factory for creating links to a driver that has already been created. More...
class  Drivers
 Global factory for devices. More...
class  DriverCreatorOf
 A factory for creating driver objects of a particular type. More...
class  DriverCreator
 A base class for factories that create driver objects. More...
class  StubDriverCreator
 A factory for creating driver objects from DLLs / shared libraries. More...
struct  GazeEventParameters
 Structure for configuring a gaze event. More...
struct  GazeEventVariables
 Structure for retrieving information from a gaze event. More...
class  GazeEvent
 Interface for a event notified by the gaze controller. More...
class  IGazeControl
 Interface for a gaze controller. More...
class  IGPUDevice
 A generic interface to GPU port devices. More...
class  IAmplifierControl
 Interface for control devices, amplifier commands. More...
class  IAmplifierControlRaw
 Interface for control devices, amplifier commands. More...
class  IAnalogSensor
 A generic interface to sensors (gyro, a/d converters). More...
class  IAudioGrabberSound
 Read a YARP-format sound block from a device. More...
class  IAudioRender
class  IAudioVisualGrabber
 Read a YARP-format image and sound from a device. More...
class  IAudioVisualStream
class  IAxisInfo
 Interface for getting information about specific axes, if available. More...
class  IAxisInfoRaw
 Interface for getting information about specific axes, if available. More...
class  IBattery
 A generic battery interface. More...
class  ICalibrator
struct  CalibrationParameters
class  IControlCalibrationRaw
 Interface for control devices, calibration commands. More...
class  IControlCalibration
 Interface for control devices, calibration commands. More...
class  IControlDebug
 Interface for control devices, debug commands. More...
class  IControlLimits
 Interface for control devices, commands to get/set position and veloity limits. More...
class  IControlLimitsRaw
 Interface for control devices. More...
class  IControlMode
 Interface for setting control mode in control board. More...
class  IControlModeRaw
 Interface for setting control mode in control board. More...
class  ICurrentControl
 Interface for control boards implementing current control. More...
class  ICurrentControlRaw
 Interface for control boards implementing current control. More...
class  IDepthVisualParams
 An interface for retrieving intrinsic parameter from a depth camera. More...
class  IEncodersRaw
 Control board, encoder interface. More...
class  IEncoders
 Control board, encoder interface. More...
class  IEncodersTimedRaw
 Control board, extend encoder raw interface adding timestamps. More...
class  IEncodersTimed
 Control board, extend encoder interface with timestamps. More...
class  IFrameGrabber
 Common interface to a FrameGrabber. More...
class  IFrameGrabberControls
 Control interface for frame grabber devices. More...
class  IFrameGrabberControlsDC1394
class  IFrameGrabberImageBase
 Read a YARP-format image from a device. More...
class  IFrameGrabberOf
class  IFrameGrabberRgb
 RGB Interface to a FrameGrabber device. More...
class  IFrameTransform
 Transform Interface. More...
class  IFrameTransformClientControl
 IFrameTransformClientControl Interface. More...
class  IFrameTransformStorageSet
 Transform Interface. More...
class  IFrameTransformStorageGet
 Transform Interface. More...
class  IFrameTransformStorageUtils
 Transform Interface. More...
class  IFrameWriterAudioVisual
 Write a YARP-format image and sound to a device. More...
class  IFrameWriterImage
 Read a YARP-format image to a device. More...
class  IGenericSensor
 A generic interface to sensors – gyro, a/d converters etc. More...
class  PolyDriver
 A container for a device driver. More...
class  PolyDriverDescriptor
class  PolyDriverList
class  RGBDSensorParamParser
 The RGBDSensorParamParser class. More...
class  IService
 Common interface for devices that act like services (by which we mean they do something for remote users, with minimal interaction with their creator other than initial configuration). More...
class  WrapperMultiple
 Helper interface for an object that can wrap/or "attach" to one or more other devices. More...
class  WrapperSingle
 Helper interface for an object that can wrap/or "attach" to a single other device. More...
class  IImpedanceControlRaw
 Interface for control boards implementing impedance control. More...
class  IImpedanceControl
 Interface for control boards implementing impedance control. More...
class  IInteractionMode
 Interface settings the way the robot interacts with the environment: basic interaction types are Stiff and Compliant. More...
class  IInteractionModeRaw
 Interface settings the way the robot interacts with the environment: basic interaction types are Stiff and Compliant. More...
class  IJoypadController
class  IJoypadEvent
class  IJoypadEventDriven
class  IMotorRaw
 Control board, encoder interface. More...
class  IMotor
 Control board, encoder interface. More...
class  IMotorEncodersRaw
 Control board, encoder interface. More...
class  IMotorEncoders
 Control board, encoder interface. More...
class  ImplementAmplifierControl
class  ImplementAxisInfo
class  StubImplEncodersRaw
 Stub implementation of IEncodersRaw interface. More...
class  ImplementControlCalibration
class  ImplementControlLimits
 class ImplementControlLimits; class StubImplControlLimitsRaw; More...
class  StubImplControlLimitsRaw
 Stub implementation of IControlLimitRaw interface. More...
class  ImplementControlMode
class  ImplementCurrentControl
class  ImplementEncoders
class  ImplementEncodersTimed
class  ImplementImpedanceControl
class  ImplementInteractionMode
 Interface settings the way the robot interacts with the environment: basic interaction types are Stiff and Compliant. More...
class  StubImplInteractionModeRaw
 Stub implementation of IInteractionMode interface. More...
class  ImplementMotor
class  ImplementMotorEncoders
class  ImplementPidControl
class  ImplementPositionControl
 Default implementation of the IPositionControl interface. More...
class  StubImplPositionControlRaw
 Stub implementation of IPositionControlRaw interface. More...
class  ImplementPositionDirect
 Default implementation of the IPositionDirect interface. More...
class  StubImplPositionDirectRaw
 Stub implementation of IPositionControl2Raw interface. More...
class  ImplementPWMControl
class  ImplementRemoteVariables
class  ImplementTorqueControl
class  ImplementVelocityControl
class  StubImplVelocityControlRaw
 Stub implementation of IPositionControl2Raw interface. More...
class  ImplementVirtualAnalogSensor
class  IMultipleWrapper
 Interface for an object that can wrap/attach to to another. More...
class  IPidControlRaw
 Interface for a generic control board device implementing a PID controller. More...
class  IPidControl
 Interface for a generic control board device implementing a PID controller, with scaled arguments. More...
class  IPositionControlRaw
 Interface for a generic control board device implementing position control in encoder coordinates. More...
class  IPositionControl
 Interface for a generic control board device implementing position control. More...
class  IPositionDirect
 Interface for a generic control board device implementing position control. More...
class  IPositionDirectRaw
 Interface for a generic control board device implementing position control in encoder coordinates. More...
class  IPreciselyTimed
class  IPWMControl
 Interface for controlling an axis, by sending directly a PWM reference signal to a motor. More...
class  IPWMControlRaw
 Interface for controlling an axis, by sending directly a PWM reference signal to a motor. More...
class  IRangefinder2D
 A generic interface for planar laser range finders. More...
class  IRemoteCalibrator
 IRemoteCalibrator interface is meant to remotize the access of the calibration device in order to allow users to remotely call the calibration procedure for a single joint or the whole device and let the calibrator do the job. More...
class  IRemoteVariablesRaw
 IRemoteVariablesRaw interface. More...
class  IRemoteVariables
 IRemoteVariables interface. More...
class  IRGBDSensor
 A generic interface for cameras that have both color camera as well as depth camera sensor, like kinect device. More...
struct  CameraConfig
 Struct describing a possible camera configuration. More...
class  IRgbVisualParams
 An interface for retrieving intrinsic parameter from a rgb camera. More...
struct  DeviceDescription
class  IRobotDescription
 This interface allows users to retrieve a list which contains the names and the types of the currently running devices. More...
class  ISerialDevice
 A generic interface to serial port devices. More...
class  MotorTorqueParameters
class  ITorqueControl
 Interface for control boards implementing torque control. More...
class  ITorqueControlRaw
 Interface for control boards implementing torque control. More...
class  IVelocityControlRaw
 Interface for control boards implementig velocity control in encoder coordinates. More...
class  IVelocityControl
 Interface for control boards implementing velocity control. More...
class  IVirtualAnalogSensor
 A generic interface to a virtual sensors. More...
class  IVirtualAnalogSensorRaw
 A generic interface to a virtual sensors. More...
class  IVisualServoing
 Interface for visual servoing controllers. More...
class  IWrapper
 Interface for an object that can wrap/or "attach" to another. More...
class  LaserMeasurementData
 \LaserMeasurementData More...
struct  Range_t
class  Lidar2DDeviceBase
 The Lidar2DDeviceBase class. More...
class  IThreeAxisGyroscopes
 Device interface to one or multiple three axis gyroscopes. More...
class  IThreeAxisLinearAccelerometers
 Device interface to one or multiple three axis linear accelerometers. More...
class  IThreeAxisMagnetometers
 Device interface to one or multiple three axis magnetometers. More...
class  IPositionSensors
 Device interface to one or multiple position sensors, such as UWB localization sensors. More...
class  IOrientationSensors
 Device interface to one or multiple orientation sensors, such as IMUs with on board estimation algorithms. More...
class  ITemperatureSensors
 Device interface to one or multiple temperature sensors. More...
class  ISixAxisForceTorqueSensors
 Device interface to one or multiple six axis force torque sensor. More...
class  IContactLoadCellArrays
 Device interface to one or multiple contact load cell arrays. More...
class  IEncoderArrays
 Device interface to one or multiple arrays of encoders. More...
class  ISkinPatches
 Device interface to one or more groups (patches) of tactile sensors (skin). More...


typedef size_t size_t
typedef yarp::os::PortablePair< yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelRgb >, yarp::sig::SoundImageRgbSound
typedef yarp::dev::CircularAudioBuffer< unsigned char > CircularAudioBuffer_8t
typedef yarp::dev::CircularAudioBuffer< unsigned short int > CircularAudioBuffer_16t
typedef yarp::dev::CircularAudioBuffer< unsigned int > CircularAudioBuffer_32t
typedef IFrameGrabberControls IFrameGrabberControls2
 This interface exports a list of general methods to discover the remote camera capabilities. More...
typedef IControlCalibrationRaw IControlCalibration2Raw
typedef IControlCalibration IControlCalibration2
typedef IControlLimits IControlLimits2
typedef IControlLimitsRaw IControlLimits2Raw
typedef IControlModeRaw IControlMode2Raw
typedef IControlMode IControlMode2
using IFrameGrabberImage = IFrameGrabberOf< yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelRgb > >
using IFrameGrabberImageRaw = IFrameGrabberOf< yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelMono > >
typedef ImplementControlLimits ImplementControlLimits2
typedef StubImplControlLimitsRaw StubImplControlLimits2Raw
typedef ImplementControlMode ImplementControlMode2
typedef ImplementPositionControl ImplementPositionControl2
typedef StubImplPositionControlRaw StubImplPositionControl2Raw
typedef ImplementVelocityControl ImplementVelocityControl2
typedef StubImplVelocityControlRaw StubImplVelocityControl2Raw
typedef IPositionControl IPositionControl2
typedef IPositionControlRaw IPositionControl2Raw
typedef IVelocityControl IVelocityControl2
typedef IVelocityControlRaw IVelocityControl2Raw


enum  JointTypeEnum {
  VOCAB_JOINTTYPE_REVOLUTE = yarp::os::createVocab32('a', 't', 'r', 'v') ,
  VOCAB_JOINTTYPE_PRISMATIC = yarp::os::createVocab32('a', 't', 'p', 'r') ,
  VOCAB_JOINTTYPE_UNKNOWN = yarp::os::createVocab32('u', 'n', 'k', 'n')
enum  InteractionModeEnum {
  VOCAB_IM_STIFF = yarp::os::createVocab32('s','t','i','f') ,
  VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT = yarp::os::createVocab32('c','o','m','p') ,
  VOCAB_IM_UNKNOWN = yarp::os::createVocab32('u','n','k','n')
enum class  VAS_status {
  VAS_OK = 0 ,
  VAS_ERROR = 1 ,
  VAS_OVF = 2 ,
enum  MAS_status {
  MAS_OK =0 ,
  MAS_ERROR =1 ,
  MAS_OVF =2 ,
 Status of a given analog sensor exposed by a multiple analog sensors interface. More...
enum  PidControlTypeEnum {
  VOCAB_PIDTYPE_POSITION = yarp::os::createVocab32('p', 'o', 's') ,
  VOCAB_PIDTYPE_VELOCITY = yarp::os::createVocab32('v', 'e', 'l') ,
  VOCAB_PIDTYPE_TORQUE = yarp::os::createVocab32('t', 'r', 'q') ,
  VOCAB_PIDTYPE_CURRENT = yarp::os::createVocab32('c', 'u', 'r')
enum class  PidFeedbackUnitsEnum {
  METRIC = 1
enum class  PidOutputUnitsEnum {

Detailed Description

An interface for the device drivers.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CircularAudioBuffer_16t

Definition at line 116 of file CircularAudioBuffer.h.

◆ CircularAudioBuffer_32t

◆ CircularAudioBuffer_8t

◆ IControlCalibration2

◆ IControlCalibration2Raw

◆ IControlLimits2

Definition at line 20 of file IControlLimits2.h.

◆ IControlLimits2Raw

◆ IControlMode2

Definition at line 21 of file IControlMode2.h.

◆ IControlMode2Raw

Definition at line 20 of file IControlMode2.h.

◆ IFrameGrabberControls2

This interface exports a list of general methods to discover the remote camera capabilities.

It also has the get/set feature methods so can be used in conjuntion with former IFrameGrabberControls2 or as standalone.

Since YARP 3.0.0

Definition at line 32 of file FrameGrabberControl2.h.

◆ IFrameGrabberImage

◆ IFrameGrabberImageRaw

◆ ImageRgbSound

◆ ImplementControlLimits2

◆ ImplementControlMode2

◆ ImplementPositionControl2

◆ ImplementVelocityControl2

◆ IPositionControl2

◆ IPositionControl2Raw

◆ IVelocityControl2

◆ IVelocityControl2Raw

◆ size_t

Definition at line 18 of file AudioPlayerStatus_common.h.

◆ StubImplControlLimits2Raw

◆ StubImplPositionControl2Raw

◆ StubImplVelocityControl2Raw

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ InteractionModeEnum


Definition at line 17 of file IInteractionMode.h.

◆ JointTypeEnum


Definition at line 25 of file IAxisInfo.h.

◆ MAS_status

Status of a given analog sensor exposed by a multiple analog sensors interface.


The sensor is working correctly.


The sensor is in generic error state.


The sensor reached an overflow.


The sensor is read through the network, and the latest measurement was received before an implementation-define timeout period.


The sensor is read through the network, and the device is waiting to receive the first measurement.


The sensor is in an unknown state.

Definition at line 33 of file MultipleAnalogSensorsInterfaces.h.

◆ PidControlTypeEnum


Definition at line 17 of file PidEnums.h.

◆ PidFeedbackUnitsEnum


Definition at line 27 of file PidEnums.h.

◆ PidOutputUnitsEnum


Definition at line 33 of file PidEnums.h.

◆ VAS_status

enum yarp::dev::VAS_status

Definition at line 27 of file IVirtualAnalogSensor.h.