An interface for the device drivers. More...
Namespaces | |
impl | |
Nav2D | |
RGBDRosConversionUtils | |
ROSPixelCode | |
Classes | |
class | audioBufferSizeData |
class | AudioPlayerStatus |
AudioPlayerStatus : A class used to describe the status of an audio player device. More... | |
class | AudioRecorderStatus |
AudioRecorderStatus : A class used to describe the status of an audio recorder device. More... | |
class | LaserScan2D |
class | Map2DLocationData |
class | Map2DPathData |
class | MobileBaseVelocity |
class | OdometryData |
class | OdometryData6D |
class | CircularAudioBuffer |
class | AudioBufferSize |
class | AudioDeviceDriverSettings |
class | AudioPlayerDeviceBase |
AudioPlayerDeviceBase : a base class for all audio player devices More... | |
class | AudioRecorderDeviceBase |
AudioRecorderDeviceBase : a base class for all audio recorder devices More... | |
class | ImplementCanBufferFactory |
Implementation of a ICanBufferFactory. More... | |
class | CanErrors |
class | CanMessage |
class | CanBuffer |
class | ICanBufferFactory |
class | ICanBus |
Interface for a can bus device. More... | |
class | ICanBusErrors |
struct | CartesianEventParameters |
Structure for configuring a cartesian event. More... | |
struct | CartesianEventVariables |
Structure for configuring a cartesian event. More... | |
class | CartesianEvent |
Interface for a event notified by the cartesian controller. More... | |
class | ICartesianControl |
Interface for a cartesian controller. More... | |
class | ControlBoardHelper |
class | Pid |
Contains the parameters for a PID. More... | |
class | DeviceDriver |
Interface implemented by all device drivers. More... | |
class | DeprecatedDeviceDriver |
Interface implemented by deprecated device drivers. More... | |
class | DeviceResponder |
A cheap and cheerful framework for human readable/writable forms of messages to devices. More... | |
class | DriverLinkCreator |
A factory for creating links to a driver that has already been created. More... | |
class | Drivers |
Global factory for devices. More... | |
class | DriverCreatorOf |
A factory for creating driver objects of a particular type. More... | |
class | DriverCreator |
A base class for factories that create driver objects. More... | |
class | StubDriverCreator |
A factory for creating driver objects from DLLs / shared libraries. More... | |
struct | GazeEventParameters |
Structure for configuring a gaze event. More... | |
struct | GazeEventVariables |
Structure for retrieving information from a gaze event. More... | |
class | GazeEvent |
Interface for a event notified by the gaze controller. More... | |
class | IGazeControl |
Interface for a gaze controller. More... | |
class | IGPUDevice |
A generic interface to GPU port devices. More... | |
class | IAmplifierControl |
Interface for control devices, amplifier commands. More... | |
class | IAmplifierControlRaw |
Interface for control devices, amplifier commands. More... | |
class | IAnalogSensor |
A generic interface to sensors (gyro, a/d converters). More... | |
class | IAudioGrabberSound |
Read a YARP-format sound block from a device. More... | |
class | IAudioRender |
class | IAudioVisualGrabber |
Read a YARP-format image and sound from a device. More... | |
class | IAudioVisualStream |
class | IAxisInfo |
Interface for getting information about specific axes, if available. More... | |
class | IAxisInfoRaw |
Interface for getting information about specific axes, if available. More... | |
class | IBattery |
A generic battery interface. More... | |
class | ICalibrator |
struct | CalibrationParameters |
class | IControlCalibrationRaw |
Interface for control devices, calibration commands. More... | |
class | IControlCalibration |
Interface for control devices, calibration commands. More... | |
class | IControlDebug |
Interface for control devices, debug commands. More... | |
class | IControlLimits |
Interface for control devices, commands to get/set position and veloity limits. More... | |
class | IControlLimitsRaw |
Interface for control devices. More... | |
class | IControlMode |
Interface for setting control mode in control board. More... | |
class | IControlModeRaw |
Interface for setting control mode in control board. More... | |
class | ICurrentControl |
Interface for control boards implementing current control. More... | |
class | ICurrentControlRaw |
Interface for control boards implementing current control. More... | |
class | IDepthVisualParams |
An interface for retrieving intrinsic parameter from a depth camera. More... | |
class | IEncodersRaw |
Control board, encoder interface. More... | |
class | IEncoders |
Control board, encoder interface. More... | |
class | IEncodersTimedRaw |
Control board, extend encoder raw interface adding timestamps. More... | |
class | IEncodersTimed |
Control board, extend encoder interface with timestamps. More... | |
class | IFrameGrabber |
Common interface to a FrameGrabber. More... | |
class | IFrameGrabberControls |
Control interface for frame grabber devices. More... | |
class | IFrameGrabberControlsDC1394 |
class | IFrameGrabberImageBase |
Read a YARP-format image from a device. More... | |
class | IFrameGrabberOf |
class | IFrameGrabberRgb |
RGB Interface to a FrameGrabber device. More... | |
class | IFrameTransform |
Transform Interface. More... | |
class | IFrameTransformClientControl |
IFrameTransformClientControl Interface. More... | |
class | IFrameTransformStorageSet |
Transform Interface. More... | |
class | IFrameTransformStorageGet |
Transform Interface. More... | |
class | IFrameTransformStorageUtils |
Transform Interface. More... | |
class | IFrameWriterAudioVisual |
Write a YARP-format image and sound to a device. More... | |
class | IFrameWriterImage |
Read a YARP-format image to a device. More... | |
class | IGenericSensor |
A generic interface to sensors – gyro, a/d converters etc. More... | |
class | PolyDriver |
A container for a device driver. More... | |
class | PolyDriverDescriptor |
class | PolyDriverList |
class | RGBDSensorParamParser |
The RGBDSensorParamParser class. More... | |
class | IService |
Common interface for devices that act like services (by which we mean they do something for remote users, with minimal interaction with their creator other than initial configuration). More... | |
class | WrapperMultiple |
Helper interface for an object that can wrap/or "attach" to one or more other devices. More... | |
class | WrapperSingle |
Helper interface for an object that can wrap/or "attach" to a single other device. More... | |
class | IImpedanceControlRaw |
Interface for control boards implementing impedance control. More... | |
class | IImpedanceControl |
Interface for control boards implementing impedance control. More... | |
class | IInteractionMode |
Interface settings the way the robot interacts with the environment: basic interaction types are Stiff and Compliant. More... | |
class | IInteractionModeRaw |
Interface settings the way the robot interacts with the environment: basic interaction types are Stiff and Compliant. More... | |
class | IJoypadController |
class | IJoypadEvent |
class | IJoypadEventDriven |
class | IMotorRaw |
Control board, encoder interface. More... | |
class | IMotor |
Control board, encoder interface. More... | |
class | IMotorEncodersRaw |
Control board, encoder interface. More... | |
class | IMotorEncoders |
Control board, encoder interface. More... | |
class | ImplementAmplifierControl |
class | ImplementAxisInfo |
class | StubImplEncodersRaw |
Stub implementation of IEncodersRaw interface. More... | |
class | ImplementControlCalibration |
class | ImplementControlLimits |
class ImplementControlLimits; class StubImplControlLimitsRaw; More... | |
class | StubImplControlLimitsRaw |
Stub implementation of IControlLimitRaw interface. More... | |
class | ImplementControlMode |
class | ImplementCurrentControl |
class | ImplementEncoders |
class | ImplementEncodersTimed |
class | ImplementImpedanceControl |
class | ImplementInteractionMode |
Interface settings the way the robot interacts with the environment: basic interaction types are Stiff and Compliant. More... | |
class | StubImplInteractionModeRaw |
Stub implementation of IInteractionMode interface. More... | |
class | ImplementMotor |
class | ImplementMotorEncoders |
class | ImplementPidControl |
class | ImplementPositionControl |
Default implementation of the IPositionControl interface. More... | |
class | StubImplPositionControlRaw |
Stub implementation of IPositionControlRaw interface. More... | |
class | ImplementPositionDirect |
Default implementation of the IPositionDirect interface. More... | |
class | StubImplPositionDirectRaw |
Stub implementation of IPositionControl2Raw interface. More... | |
class | ImplementPWMControl |
class | ImplementRemoteVariables |
class | ImplementTorqueControl |
class | ImplementVelocityControl |
class | StubImplVelocityControlRaw |
Stub implementation of IPositionControl2Raw interface. More... | |
class | ImplementVirtualAnalogSensor |
class | IMultipleWrapper |
Interface for an object that can wrap/attach to to another. More... | |
class | IPidControlRaw |
Interface for a generic control board device implementing a PID controller. More... | |
class | IPidControl |
Interface for a generic control board device implementing a PID controller, with scaled arguments. More... | |
class | IPositionControlRaw |
Interface for a generic control board device implementing position control in encoder coordinates. More... | |
class | IPositionControl |
Interface for a generic control board device implementing position control. More... | |
class | IPositionDirect |
Interface for a generic control board device implementing position control. More... | |
class | IPositionDirectRaw |
Interface for a generic control board device implementing position control in encoder coordinates. More... | |
class | IPreciselyTimed |
class | IPWMControl |
Interface for controlling an axis, by sending directly a PWM reference signal to a motor. More... | |
class | IPWMControlRaw |
Interface for controlling an axis, by sending directly a PWM reference signal to a motor. More... | |
class | IRangefinder2D |
A generic interface for planar laser range finders. More... | |
class | IRemoteCalibrator |
IRemoteCalibrator interface is meant to remotize the access of the calibration device in order to allow users to remotely call the calibration procedure for a single joint or the whole device and let the calibrator do the job. More... | |
class | IRemoteVariablesRaw |
IRemoteVariablesRaw interface. More... | |
class | IRemoteVariables |
IRemoteVariables interface. More... | |
class | IRGBDSensor |
A generic interface for cameras that have both color camera as well as depth camera sensor, like kinect device. More... | |
struct | CameraConfig |
Struct describing a possible camera configuration. More... | |
class | IRgbVisualParams |
An interface for retrieving intrinsic parameter from a rgb camera. More... | |
struct | DeviceDescription |
class | IRobotDescription |
This interface allows users to retrieve a list which contains the names and the types of the currently running devices. More... | |
class | ISerialDevice |
A generic interface to serial port devices. More... | |
class | MotorTorqueParameters |
class | ITorqueControl |
Interface for control boards implementing torque control. More... | |
class | ITorqueControlRaw |
Interface for control boards implementing torque control. More... | |
class | IVelocityControlRaw |
Interface for control boards implementig velocity control in encoder coordinates. More... | |
class | IVelocityControl |
Interface for control boards implementing velocity control. More... | |
class | IVirtualAnalogSensor |
A generic interface to a virtual sensors. More... | |
class | IVirtualAnalogSensorRaw |
A generic interface to a virtual sensors. More... | |
class | IVisualServoing |
Interface for visual servoing controllers. More... | |
class | IWrapper |
Interface for an object that can wrap/or "attach" to another. More... | |
class | LaserMeasurementData |
\LaserMeasurementData More... | |
struct | Range_t |
class | Lidar2DDeviceBase |
The Lidar2DDeviceBase class. More... | |
class | IThreeAxisGyroscopes |
Device interface to one or multiple three axis gyroscopes. More... | |
class | IThreeAxisLinearAccelerometers |
Device interface to one or multiple three axis linear accelerometers. More... | |
class | IThreeAxisMagnetometers |
Device interface to one or multiple three axis magnetometers. More... | |
class | IPositionSensors |
Device interface to one or multiple position sensors, such as UWB localization sensors. More... | |
class | IOrientationSensors |
Device interface to one or multiple orientation sensors, such as IMUs with on board estimation algorithms. More... | |
class | ITemperatureSensors |
Device interface to one or multiple temperature sensors. More... | |
class | ISixAxisForceTorqueSensors |
Device interface to one or multiple six axis force torque sensor. More... | |
class | IContactLoadCellArrays |
Device interface to one or multiple contact load cell arrays. More... | |
class | IEncoderArrays |
Device interface to one or multiple arrays of encoders. More... | |
class | ISkinPatches |
Device interface to one or more groups (patches) of tactile sensors (skin). More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | JointTypeEnum { VOCAB_JOINTTYPE_REVOLUTE = yarp::os::createVocab32('a', 't', 'r', 'v') , VOCAB_JOINTTYPE_PRISMATIC = yarp::os::createVocab32('a', 't', 'p', 'r') , VOCAB_JOINTTYPE_UNKNOWN = yarp::os::createVocab32('u', 'n', 'k', 'n') } |
enum | InteractionModeEnum { VOCAB_IM_STIFF = yarp::os::createVocab32('s','t','i','f') , VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT = yarp::os::createVocab32('c','o','m','p') , VOCAB_IM_UNKNOWN = yarp::os::createVocab32('u','n','k','n') } |
enum class | VAS_status { VAS_OK = 0 , VAS_ERROR = 1 , VAS_OVF = 2 , VAS_TIMEOUT = 3 } |
Status of a given analog sensor exposed by a multiple analog sensors interface. More... | |
enum | PidControlTypeEnum { VOCAB_PIDTYPE_POSITION = yarp::os::createVocab32('p', 'o', 's') , VOCAB_PIDTYPE_VELOCITY = yarp::os::createVocab32('v', 'e', 'l') , VOCAB_PIDTYPE_TORQUE = yarp::os::createVocab32('t', 'r', 'q') , VOCAB_PIDTYPE_CURRENT = yarp::os::createVocab32('c', 'u', 'r') } |
enum class | PidFeedbackUnitsEnum { RAW_MACHINE_UNITS = 0 , METRIC = 1 } |
An interface for the device drivers.
typedef yarp::dev::CircularAudioBuffer<unsigned short int> yarp::dev::CircularAudioBuffer_16t |
Definition at line 116 of file CircularAudioBuffer.h.
typedef yarp::dev::CircularAudioBuffer<unsigned int> yarp::dev::CircularAudioBuffer_32t |
Definition at line 117 of file CircularAudioBuffer.h.
typedef yarp::dev::CircularAudioBuffer<unsigned char> yarp::dev::CircularAudioBuffer_8t |
Definition at line 115 of file CircularAudioBuffer.h.
Definition at line 22 of file IControlCalibration.h.
Definition at line 18 of file IControlCalibration.h.
Definition at line 20 of file IControlLimits2.h.
Definition at line 21 of file IControlLimits2.h.
typedef IControlMode yarp::dev::IControlMode2 |
Definition at line 21 of file IControlMode2.h.
Definition at line 20 of file IControlMode2.h.
This interface exports a list of general methods to discover the remote camera capabilities.
It also has the get/set feature methods so can be used in conjuntion with former IFrameGrabberControls2 or as standalone.
Definition at line 32 of file FrameGrabberControl2.h.
using yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberImage = typedef IFrameGrabberOf<yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelRgb> > |
Definition at line 82 of file IFrameGrabberImage.h.
using yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberImageRaw = typedef IFrameGrabberOf<yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelMono> > |
Definition at line 83 of file IFrameGrabberImage.h.
typedef yarp::os::PortablePair<yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelRgb>, yarp::sig::Sound> yarp::dev::ImageRgbSound |
Definition at line 26 of file AudioVisualInterfaces.h.
Definition at line 22 of file ImplementControlLimits2.h.
Definition at line 21 of file ImplementControlMode2.h.
Definition at line 20 of file ImplementPositionControl2.h.
Definition at line 21 of file ImplementVelocityControl2.h.
Definition at line 19 of file IPositionControl2.h.
Definition at line 20 of file IPositionControl2.h.
Definition at line 20 of file IVelocityControl2.h.
Definition at line 21 of file IVelocityControl2.h.
typedef size_t yarp::dev::size_t |
Definition at line 18 of file AudioPlayerStatus_common.h.
Definition at line 23 of file ImplementControlLimits2.h.
Definition at line 21 of file ImplementPositionControl2.h.
Definition at line 22 of file ImplementVelocityControl2.h.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 17 of file IInteractionMode.h.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 25 of file IAxisInfo.h.
Status of a given analog sensor exposed by a multiple analog sensors interface.
Definition at line 33 of file MultipleAnalogSensorsInterfaces.h.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 17 of file PidEnums.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 27 of file PidEnums.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 33 of file PidEnums.h.
strong |
Enumerator | |
VAS_OK | |
Definition at line 27 of file IVirtualAnalogSensor.h.