Yet Another Robot Platform
No Matches
FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp Class Reference

frameGrabber_nwc_yarp: The client of a frameGrabber_nws_yarp. More...

#include <networkWrappers/frameGrabber_nwc_yarp/FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp:

Public Member Functions

 FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp ()
 FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp (const FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp &)=delete
 FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp (FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp &&)=delete
FrameGrabber_nwc_yarpoperator= (const FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp &)=delete
FrameGrabber_nwc_yarpoperator= (FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp &&)=delete
 ~FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp () override=default
bool open (yarp::os::Searchable &config) override
 Open the DeviceDriver.
bool close () override
 Close the DeviceDriver.
yarp::os::Stamp getLastInputStamp () override
 Return the time stamp relative to the last acquisition.
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::DeviceDriver
 DeviceDriver ()
 DeviceDriver (const DeviceDriver &other)=delete
 DeviceDriver (DeviceDriver &&other) noexcept=delete
DeviceDriveroperator= (const DeviceDriver &other)=delete
DeviceDriveroperator= (DeviceDriver &&other) noexcept=delete
virtual ~DeviceDriver ()
virtual std::string id () const
 Return the id assigned to the PolyDriver.
virtual void setId (const std::string &id)
 Set the id for this device.
template<class T >
bool view (T *&x)
 Get an interface to the device driver.
virtual DeviceDrivergetImplementation ()
 Some drivers are bureaucrats, pointing at others.
- Public Member Functions inherited from FrameGrabberOf_ForwarderWithStream< yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelRgb > >
 FrameGrabberOf_ForwarderWithStream (yarp::os::Port &rpcPort)
 ~FrameGrabberOf_ForwarderWithStream () override=default
int height () const override
 Return the height of each frame.
int width () const override
 Return the width of each frame.
bool getImage (yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelRgb > &image) override
 Get an image from the frame grabber.
bool getImageCrop (cropType_id_t cropType, yarp::sig::VectorOf< std::pair< int, int > > vertices, yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelRgb > &image) override
 Get a crop of the image from the frame grabber.
void setStreamReceiver (StreamReceiver *m_streamReceiver)
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::proto::framegrabber::FrameGrabberOf_Forwarder< ImageType, IfVocab, ImgVocab >
 FrameGrabberOf_Forwarder (yarp::os::Port &port)
 ~FrameGrabberOf_Forwarder () override=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberImageBase
virtual ~IFrameGrabberImageBase ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from FrameGrabberOf_ForwarderWithStream< yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelMono >, VOCAB_FRAMEGRABBER_IMAGERAW >
 FrameGrabberOf_ForwarderWithStream (yarp::os::Port &rpcPort)
 ~FrameGrabberOf_ForwarderWithStream () override=default
int height () const override
 Return the height of each frame.
int width () const override
 Return the width of each frame.
bool getImage (yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelMono > &image) override
 Get an image from the frame grabber.
bool getImageCrop (cropType_id_t cropType, yarp::sig::VectorOf< std::pair< int, int > > vertices, yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelMono > &image) override
 Get a crop of the image from the frame grabber.
void setStreamReceiver (StreamReceiver *m_streamReceiver)
- Public Member Functions inherited from FrameGrabberOf_ForwarderWithStream< yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelFloat > >
 FrameGrabberOf_ForwarderWithStream (yarp::os::Port &rpcPort)
 ~FrameGrabberOf_ForwarderWithStream () override=default
int height () const override
 Return the height of each frame.
int width () const override
 Return the width of each frame.
bool getImage (yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelFloat > &image) override
 Get an image from the frame grabber.
bool getImageCrop (cropType_id_t cropType, yarp::sig::VectorOf< std::pair< int, int > > vertices, yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelFloat > &image) override
 Get a crop of the image from the frame grabber.
void setStreamReceiver (StreamReceiver *m_streamReceiver)
- Public Member Functions inherited from FrameGrabberOf_ForwarderWithStream< yarp::sig::FlexImage >
 FrameGrabberOf_ForwarderWithStream (yarp::os::Port &rpcPort)
 ~FrameGrabberOf_ForwarderWithStream () override=default
int height () const override
 Return the height of each frame.
int width () const override
 Return the width of each frame.
bool getImage (yarp::sig::FlexImage &image) override
 Get an image from the frame grabber.
bool getImageCrop (cropType_id_t cropType, yarp::sig::VectorOf< std::pair< int, int > > vertices, yarp::sig::FlexImage &image) override
 Get a crop of the image from the frame grabber.
void setStreamReceiver (StreamReceiver *m_streamReceiver)
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::proto::framegrabber::FrameGrabberControls_Forwarder
 FrameGrabberControls_Forwarder (yarp::os::Port &port)
 ~FrameGrabberControls_Forwarder () override=default
bool getCameraDescription (CameraDescriptor *camera) override
 Get a basic description of the camera hw.
bool hasFeature (int feature, bool *hasFeature) override
 Check if camera has the requested feature (saturation, brightness ... )
bool setFeature (int feature, double value) override
 Set the requested feature to a value (saturation, brightness ... )
bool getFeature (int feature, double *value) override
 Get the current value for the requested feature.
bool setFeature (int feature, double value1, double value2) override
 Set the requested feature to a value using 2 params (like white balance)
bool getFeature (int feature, double *value1, double *value2) override
 Get the current value for the requested feature.
bool hasOnOff (int feature, bool *HasOnOff) override
 Check if the camera has the ability to turn on/off the requested feature.
bool setActive (int feature, bool onoff) override
 Set the requested feature on or off.
bool getActive (int feature, bool *isActive) override
 Get the current status of the feature, on or off.
bool hasAuto (int feature, bool *hasAuto) override
 Check if the requested feature has the 'auto' mode.
bool hasManual (int feature, bool *hasManual) override
 Check if the requested feature has the 'manual' mode.
bool hasOnePush (int feature, bool *hasOnePush) override
 Check if the requested feature has the 'onePush' mode.
bool setMode (int feature, FeatureMode mode) override
 Set the requested mode for the feature.
bool getMode (int feature, FeatureMode *mode) override
 Get the current mode for the feature.
bool setOnePush (int feature) override
 Set the requested feature to a value (saturation, brightness ... )
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls
virtual ~IFrameGrabberControls ()
std::string busType2String (BusType type)
FeatureMode toFeatureMode (bool _auto)
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::proto::framegrabber::FrameGrabberControlsDC1394_Forwarder
 FrameGrabberControlsDC1394_Forwarder (yarp::os::Port &port)
 ~FrameGrabberControlsDC1394_Forwarder () override=default
unsigned int getVideoModeMaskDC1394 () override
unsigned int getVideoModeDC1394 () override
bool setVideoModeDC1394 (int video_mode) override
unsigned int getFPSMaskDC1394 () override
unsigned int getFPSDC1394 () override
bool setFPSDC1394 (int fps) override
unsigned int getISOSpeedDC1394 () override
bool setISOSpeedDC1394 (int speed) override
unsigned int getColorCodingMaskDC1394 (unsigned int video_mode) override
unsigned int getColorCodingDC1394 () override
bool setColorCodingDC1394 (int coding) override
bool getFormat7MaxWindowDC1394 (unsigned int &xdim, unsigned int &ydim, unsigned int &xstep, unsigned int &ystep, unsigned int &xoffstep, unsigned int &yoffstep) override
bool getFormat7WindowDC1394 (unsigned int &xdim, unsigned int &ydim, int &x0, int &y0) override
bool setFormat7WindowDC1394 (unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, int x0, int y0) override
bool setOperationModeDC1394 (bool b1394b) override
bool getOperationModeDC1394 () override
bool setTransmissionDC1394 (bool bTxON) override
bool getTransmissionDC1394 () override
bool setBroadcastDC1394 (bool onoff) override
bool setDefaultsDC1394 () override
bool setResetDC1394 () override
bool setPowerDC1394 (bool onoff) override
bool setCaptureDC1394 (bool bON) override
bool setBytesPerPacketDC1394 (unsigned int bpp) override
unsigned int getBytesPerPacketDC1394 () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControlsDC1394
virtual ~IFrameGrabberControlsDC1394 ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::proto::framegrabber::RgbVisualParams_Forwarder
 RgbVisualParams_Forwarder (yarp::os::Port &port)
 ~RgbVisualParams_Forwarder () override=default
int getRgbHeight () override
 Return the height of each frame.
int getRgbWidth () override
 Return the width of each frame.
bool getRgbSupportedConfigurations (yarp::sig::VectorOf< yarp::dev::CameraConfig > &configurations) override
 Get the possible configurations of the camera.
bool getRgbResolution (int &width, int &height) override
 Get the resolution of the rgb image from the camera.
bool setRgbResolution (int width, int height) override
 Set the resolution of the rgb image from the camera.
bool getRgbFOV (double &horizontalFov, double &verticalFov) override
 Get the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera.
bool setRgbFOV (double horizontalFov, double verticalFov) override
 Set the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera.
bool getRgbIntrinsicParam (yarp::os::Property &intrinsic) override
 Get the intrinsic parameters of the rgb camera.
bool getRgbMirroring (bool &mirror) override
 Get the mirroring setting of the sensor.
bool setRgbMirroring (bool mirror) override
 Set the mirroring setting of the sensor.
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams
virtual ~IRgbVisualParams ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IPreciselyTimed
virtual ~IPreciselyTimed ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp_ParamsParser
 FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp_ParamsParser ()
 ~FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp_ParamsParser () override=default
bool parseParams (const yarp::os::Searchable &config) override
 Parse the DeviceDriver parameters.
std::string getDeviceClassName () const override
 Get the name of the DeviceDriver class.
std::string getDeviceName () const override
 Get the name of the device (i.e.
std::string getDocumentationOfDeviceParams () const override
 Get the documentation of the DeviceDriver's parameters.
std::vector< std::string > getListOfParams () const override
 Return a list of all params used by the device.
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IDeviceDriverParams
virtual ~IDeviceDriverParams ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp_ParamsParser
const std::string m_device_classname = {"FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp"}
const std::string m_device_name = {"frameGrabber_nwc_yarp"}
bool m_parser_is_strict = false
const parser_version_type m_parser_version = {}
const std::string m_local_defaultValue = {""}
const std::string m_remote_defaultValue = {""}
const std::string m_carrier_defaultValue = {"fast_tcp"}
const std::string m_no_stream_defaultValue = {"false"}
std::string m_local = {}
std::string m_remote = {}
std::string m_carrier = {"fast_tcp"}
bool m_no_stream = {false}
- Protected Attributes inherited from yarp::proto::framegrabber::RgbVisualParams_Forwarder

Detailed Description

frameGrabber_nwc_yarp: The client of a frameGrabber_nws_yarp.


Parameters required by this device are shown in class: FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp_ParamsParser

Definition at line 86 of file FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp() [1/3]

FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp::FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp ( )

Definition at line 207 of file FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp.cpp.

◆ FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp() [2/3]

FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp::FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp ( const FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp )

◆ FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp() [3/3]

FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp::FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp ( FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp &&  )

◆ ~FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp()

FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp::~FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ close()

bool FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp::close ( )

Close the DeviceDriver.

true/false on success/failure.

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::DeviceDriver.

Definition at line 252 of file FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp.cpp.

◆ getLastInputStamp()

yarp::os::Stamp FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp::getLastInputStamp ( )

Return the time stamp relative to the last acquisition.

Implements yarp::dev::IPreciselyTimed.

Definition at line 263 of file FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp.cpp.

◆ open()

bool FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp::open ( yarp::os::Searchable config)

Open the DeviceDriver.

configis a list of parameters for the device. Which parameters are effective for your device can vary. See device invocation examples. If there is no example for your device, you can run the "yarpdev" program with the verbose flag set to probe what parameters the device is checking. If that fails too, you'll need to read the source code (please nag one of the yarp developers to add documentation for your device).
true/false upon success/failure

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::DeviceDriver.

Definition at line 219 of file FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp.cpp.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp & FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp::operator= ( const FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp & FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp::operator= ( FrameGrabber_nwc_yarp &&  )

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: