Yet Another Robot Platform
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)
3  * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 RobotCub Consortium
4  * All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the
7  * BSD-3-Clause license. See the accompanying LICENSE file for details.
8  */
10 #include "RemoteControlBoard.h"
12 #include "stateExtendedReader.h"
14 #include <cstring>
16 #include <yarp/os/PortablePair.h>
17 #include <yarp/os/BufferedPort.h>
18 #include <yarp/os/Time.h>
19 #include <yarp/os/Network.h>
20 #include <yarp/os/PeriodicThread.h>
21 #include <yarp/os/Vocab.h>
22 #include <yarp/os/Stamp.h>
23 #include <yarp/os/LogStream.h>
24 #include <yarp/os/QosStyle.h>
28 #include <yarp/dev/PolyDriver.h>
33 #include <mutex>
36 using namespace yarp::os;
37 using namespace yarp::dev;
38 using namespace yarp::sig;
40 namespace {
42 constexpr int PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAJOR = 1;
43 constexpr int PROTOCOL_VERSION_MINOR = 9;
44 constexpr int PROTOCOL_VERSION_TWEAK = 0;
46 constexpr double DIAGNOSTIC_THREAD_PERIOD = 1.000;
48 inline bool getTimeStamp(Bottle &bot, Stamp &st)
49 {
50  if (bot.get(3).asVocab()==VOCAB_TIMESTAMP)
51  {
52  //yup! we have a timestamp
53  int fr=bot.get(4).asInt32();
54  double ts=bot.get(5).asFloat64();
55  st=Stamp(fr,ts);
56  return true;
57  }
58  return false;
59 }
61 } // namespace
65  public PeriodicThread
66 {
67  StateExtendedInputPort *owner{nullptr};
68  std::string ownerName;
70 public:
74  {
75  owner = o;
76  ownerName = owner->getName();
77  }
79  void run() override
80  {
81  if (owner != nullptr)
82  {
83  if (owner->getIterations() > 100)
84  {
85  int it;
86  double av;
87  double max;
88  double min;
89  owner->getEstFrequency(it, av, min, max);
90  owner->resetStat();
92  "%s: %d msgs av:%.2lf min:%.2lf max:%.2lf [ms]",
93  ownerName.c_str(),
94  it,
95  av,
96  min,
97  max);
98  }
100  }
101  }
102 };
106 {
107  if (!njIsKnown) {
108  int axes = 0;
109  bool ok = get1V1I(VOCAB_AXES, axes);
110  if (axes >= 0 && ok) {
111  nj = axes;
112  njIsKnown = true;
113  }
114  }
115  return njIsKnown;
116 }
120 {
121  bool error=false;
122  // verify protocol
123  Bottle cmd, reply;
124  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
126  rpc_p.write(cmd, reply);
128  // check size and format of messages, expected [prot] int int int [ok]
129  if (reply.size()!=5)
130  error=true;
132  if (reply.get(0).asVocab()!=VOCAB_PROTOCOL_VERSION)
133  error=true;
135  if (!error)
136  {
137  protocolVersion.major=reply.get(1).asInt32();
138  protocolVersion.minor=reply.get(2).asInt32();
139  protocolVersion.tweak=reply.get(3).asInt32();
141  //verify protocol
142  if (protocolVersion.major!=PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAJOR)
143  error=true;
145  if (protocolVersion.minor!=PROTOCOL_VERSION_MINOR)
146  error=true;
147  }
149  if (!error)
150  return true;
152  // protocol did not match
154  "Expecting protocol %d %d %d, but the device we are connecting to has protocol version %d %d %d",
158  protocolVersion.major,
159  protocolVersion.minor,
160  protocolVersion.tweak);
162  bool ret;
163  if (ignore)
164  {
165  yCWarning(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "Ignoring error but please update YARP or the remotecontrolboard implementation");
166  ret = true;
167  }
168  else
169  {
170  yCError(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "Please update YARP or the remotecontrolboard implementation");
171  ret = false;
172  }
174  return ret;
175 }
178 {
179  remote = config.find("remote").asString();
180  local = config.find("local").asString();
182  if (config.check("timeout"))
183  {
184  extendedIntputStatePort.setTimeout(config.find("timeout").asFloat64());
185  }
186  // check the Qos perefernces if available (local and remote)
187  yarp::os::QosStyle localQos;
188  if (config.check("local_qos")) {
189  Bottle& qos = config.findGroup("local_qos");
190  if(qos.check("thread_priority"))
191  localQos.setThreadPriority(qos.find("thread_priority").asInt32());
192  if(qos.check("thread_policy"))
193  localQos.setThreadPolicy(qos.find("thread_policy").asInt32());
194  if(qos.check("packet_priority"))
195  localQos.setPacketPriority(qos.find("packet_priority").asString());
196  }
198  yarp::os::QosStyle remoteQos;
199  if (config.check("remote_qos")) {
200  Bottle& qos = config.findGroup("remote_qos");
201  if(qos.check("thread_priority"))
202  remoteQos.setThreadPriority(qos.find("thread_priority").asInt32());
203  if(qos.check("thread_policy"))
204  remoteQos.setThreadPolicy(qos.find("thread_policy").asInt32());
205  if(qos.check("packet_priority"))
206  remoteQos.setPacketPriority(qos.find("packet_priority").asString());
207  }
209  bool writeStrict_isFound = config.check("writeStrict");
210  if(writeStrict_isFound)
211  {
212  Value &gotStrictVal = config.find("writeStrict");
213  if(gotStrictVal.asString() == "on")
214  {
215  writeStrict_singleJoint = true;
216  writeStrict_moreJoints = true;
217  yCInfo(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "RemoteControlBoard is ENABLING the writeStrict option for all commands");
218  }
219  else if(gotStrictVal.asString() == "off")
220  {
221  writeStrict_singleJoint = false;
222  writeStrict_moreJoints = false;
223  yCInfo(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "RemoteControlBoard is DISABLING the writeStrict opition for all commands");
224  }
225  else
226  yCError(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "Found writeStrict opition with wrong value. Accepted options are 'on' or 'off'");
227  }
229  if (local=="") {
230  yCError(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "Problem connecting to remote controlboard, 'local' port prefix not given");
231  return false;
232  }
234  if (remote=="") {
235  yCError(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "Problem connecting to remote controlboard, 'remote' port name not given");
236  return false;
237  }
239  std::string carrier =
240  config.check("carrier",
241  Value("udp"),
242  "default carrier for streaming robot state").asString();
244  bool portProblem = false;
245  if (local != "") {
246  std::string s1 = local;
247  s1 += "/rpc:o";
248  if (!rpc_p.open(s1)) { portProblem = true; }
249  s1 = local;
250  s1 += "/command:o";
251  if (!command_p.open(s1)) { portProblem = true; }
252  s1 = local;
253  s1 += "/stateExt:i";
254  if (!extendedIntputStatePort.open(s1)) { portProblem = true; }
255  if (!portProblem)
256  {
257  extendedIntputStatePort.useCallback();
258  }
259  }
261  bool connectionProblem = false;
262  if (remote != "" && !portProblem)
263  {
264  std::string s1 = remote;
265  s1 += "/rpc:i";
266  std::string s2 = local;
267  s2 += "/rpc:o";
268  bool ok = false;
269  // RPC port needs to be tcp, therefore no carrier option is added here
270  // ok=Network::connect(s2.c_str(), s1.c_str()); //This doesn't take into consideration possible YARP_PORT_PREFIX on local ports
271  // ok=Network::connect(rpc_p.getName(), s1.c_str()); //This should work also with YARP_PORT_PREFIX because getting back the name of the port will return the modified name
272  ok=rpc_p.addOutput(s1); //This works because we are manipulating only remote side and let yarp handle the local side
273  if (!ok) {
274  yCError(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "Problem connecting to %s, is the remote device available?", s1.c_str());
275  connectionProblem = true;
276  }
278  s1 = remote;
279  s1 += "/command:i";
280  s2 = local;
281  s2 += "/command:o";
282  //ok = Network::connect(s2.c_str(), s1.c_str(), carrier);
283  // ok=Network::connect(command_p.getName(), s1.c_str(), carrier); //doesn't take into consideration possible YARP_PORT_PREFIX on local ports
284  ok = command_p.addOutput(s1, carrier);
285  if (!ok) {
286  yCError(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "Problem connecting to %s, is the remote device available?", s1.c_str());
287  connectionProblem = true;
288  }
289  // set the QoS preferences for the 'command' port
290  if (config.check("local_qos") || config.check("remote_qos"))
291  NetworkBase::setConnectionQos(command_p.getName(), s1, localQos, remoteQos, false);
293  s1 = remote;
294  s1 += "/stateExt:o";
295  s2 = local;
296  s2 += "/stateExt:i";
297  // not checking return value for now since it is wip (different machines can have different compilation flags
298  ok = Network::connect(s1, extendedIntputStatePort.getName(), carrier);
299  if (ok)
300  {
301  // set the QoS preferences for the 'state' port
302  if (config.check("local_qos") || config.check("remote_qos"))
303  NetworkBase::setConnectionQos(s1, extendedIntputStatePort.getName(), remoteQos, localQos, false);
304  }
305  else
306  {
307  yCError(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "Problem connecting to %s, is the remote device available?", s1.c_str());
308  connectionProblem = true;
309  }
310  }
312  if (connectionProblem||portProblem) {
314  rpc_p.close();
315  command_p.close();
316  extendedIntputStatePort.close();
317  return false;
318  }
320  state_buffer.setStrict(false);
321  command_buffer.attach(command_p);
323  if (!checkProtocolVersion(config.check("ignoreProtocolCheck")))
324  {
325  yCError(REMOTECONTROLBOARD) << "checkProtocolVersion failed";
326  command_buffer.detach();
327  rpc_p.close();
328  command_p.close();
329  extendedIntputStatePort.close();
330  return false;
331  }
333  if (!isLive()) {
334  if (remote!="") {
335  yCError(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "Problems with obtaining the number of controlled axes");
336  command_buffer.detach();
337  rpc_p.close();
338  command_p.close();
339  extendedIntputStatePort.close();
340  return false;
341  }
342  }
344  if (config.check("diagnostic"))
345  {
346  diagnosticThread = new DiagnosticThread(DIAGNOSTIC_THREAD_PERIOD);
347  diagnosticThread->setOwner(&extendedIntputStatePort);
348  diagnosticThread->start();
349  }
350  else
351  diagnosticThread=nullptr;
353  // allocate memory for helper struct
354  // single joint
355  last_singleJoint.jointPosition.resize(1);
356  last_singleJoint.jointVelocity.resize(1);
357  last_singleJoint.jointAcceleration.resize(1);
358  last_singleJoint.motorPosition.resize(1);
359  last_singleJoint.motorVelocity.resize(1);
360  last_singleJoint.motorAcceleration.resize(1);
361  last_singleJoint.torque.resize(1);
362  last_singleJoint.pwmDutycycle.resize(1);
363  last_singleJoint.current.resize(1);
364  last_singleJoint.controlMode.resize(1);
365  last_singleJoint.interactionMode.resize(1);
367  // whole part (safe here because we already got the nj
368  last_wholePart.jointPosition.resize(nj);
369  last_wholePart.jointVelocity.resize(nj);
370  last_wholePart.jointAcceleration.resize(nj);
371  last_wholePart.motorPosition.resize(nj);
372  last_wholePart.motorVelocity.resize(nj);
373  last_wholePart.motorAcceleration.resize(nj);
374  last_wholePart.torque.resize(nj);
375  last_wholePart.current.resize(nj);
376  last_wholePart.pwmDutycycle.resize(nj);
377  last_wholePart.controlMode.resize(nj);
378  last_wholePart.interactionMode.resize(nj);
379  return true;
380 }
383 {
384  if (diagnosticThread!=nullptr)
385  {
386  diagnosticThread->stop();
387  delete diagnosticThread;
388  }
390  rpc_p.interrupt();
391  command_p.interrupt();
392  extendedIntputStatePort.interrupt();
394  rpc_p.close();
395  command_p.close();
396  extendedIntputStatePort.close();
397  return true;
398 }
400 // BEGIN Helpers functions
403 {
404  Bottle cmd, response;
405  cmd.addVocab(v);
406  bool ok=rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
407  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
408  return true;
409  }
410  return false;
411 }
413 bool RemoteControlBoard::send2V(int v1, int v2)
414 {
415  Bottle cmd, response;
416  cmd.addVocab(v1);
417  cmd.addVocab(v2);
418  bool ok=rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
419  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
420  return true;
421  }
422  return false;
423 }
425 bool RemoteControlBoard::send2V1I(int v1, int v2, int axis)
426 {
427  Bottle cmd, response;
428  cmd.addVocab(v1);
429  cmd.addVocab(v2);
430  cmd.addInt32(axis);
431  bool ok=rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
432  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
433  return true;
434  }
435  return false;
436 }
438 bool RemoteControlBoard::send1V1I(int v, int axis)
439 {
440  Bottle cmd, response;
441  cmd.addVocab(v);
442  cmd.addInt32(axis);
443  bool ok=rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
444  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
445  return true;
446  }
447  return false;
448 }
450 bool RemoteControlBoard::send3V1I(int v1, int v2, int v3, int j)
451 {
452  Bottle cmd, response;
453  cmd.addVocab(v1);
454  cmd.addVocab(v2);
455  cmd.addVocab(v3);
456  cmd.addInt32(j);
457  bool ok=rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
458  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
459  return true;
460  }
461  return false;
462 }
465 {
466  Bottle cmd, response;
467  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
468  cmd.addVocab(code);
470  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
471  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
472 }
474 bool RemoteControlBoard::set1V2D(int code, double v)
475 {
476  Bottle cmd, response;
477  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
478  cmd.addVocab(code);
479  cmd.addFloat64(v);
481  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
483  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
484 }
486 bool RemoteControlBoard::set1V1I(int code, int v)
487 {
488  Bottle cmd, response;
489  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
490  cmd.addVocab(code);
491  cmd.addInt32(v);
493  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
495  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
496 }
498 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1V1D(int code, double& v) const
499 {
500  Bottle cmd;
501  Bottle response;
502  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
503  cmd.addVocab(code);
505  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
507  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
508  // response should be [cmd] [name] value
509  v = response.get(2).asFloat64();
511  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
512  return true;
513  }
515  return false;
516 }
518 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1V1I(int code, int& v) const
519 {
520  Bottle cmd;
521  Bottle response;
522  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
523  cmd.addVocab(code);
525  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
527  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
528  // response should be [cmd] [name] value
529  v = response.get(2).asInt32();
531  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
532  return true;
533  }
535  return false;
536 }
538 bool RemoteControlBoard::set1V1I1D(int code, int j, double val)
539 {
540  Bottle cmd, response;
541  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
542  cmd.addVocab(code);
543  cmd.addInt32(j);
544  cmd.addFloat64(val);
545  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
546  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
547 }
549 bool RemoteControlBoard::set1V1I2D(int code, int j, double val1, double val2)
550 {
551  Bottle cmd, response;
552  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
553  cmd.addVocab(code);
554  cmd.addInt32(j);
555  cmd.addFloat64(val1);
556  cmd.addFloat64(val2);
558  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
559  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
560 }
562 bool RemoteControlBoard::set1VDA(int v, const double *val)
563 {
564  if (!isLive()) return false;
565  Bottle cmd, response;
566  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
567  cmd.addVocab(v);
568  Bottle& l = cmd.addList();
569  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
570  l.addFloat64(val[i]);
571  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
572  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
573 }
575 bool RemoteControlBoard::set2V1DA(int v1, int v2, const double *val)
576 {
577  if (!isLive()) return false;
578  Bottle cmd, response;
579  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
580  cmd.addVocab(v1);
581  cmd.addVocab(v2);
582  Bottle& l = cmd.addList();
583  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
584  l.addFloat64(val[i]);
585  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
586  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
587 }
589 bool RemoteControlBoard::set2V2DA(int v1, int v2, const double *val1, const double *val2)
590 {
591  if (!isLive()) return false;
592  Bottle cmd, response;
593  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
594  cmd.addVocab(v1);
595  cmd.addVocab(v2);
596  Bottle& l1 = cmd.addList();
597  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
598  l1.addFloat64(val1[i]);
599  Bottle& l2 = cmd.addList();
600  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
601  l2.addFloat64(val2[i]);
602  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
603  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
604 }
606 bool RemoteControlBoard::set1V1I1IA1DA(int v, const int len, const int *val1, const double *val2)
607 {
608  if (!isLive()) return false;
609  Bottle cmd, response;
610  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
611  cmd.addVocab(v);
612  cmd.addInt32(len);
613  int i;
614  Bottle& l1 = cmd.addList();
615  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
616  l1.addInt32(val1[i]);
617  Bottle& l2 = cmd.addList();
618  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
619  l2.addFloat64(val2[i]);
620  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
621  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
622 }
624 bool RemoteControlBoard::set2V1I1D(int v1, int v2, int axis, double val)
625 {
626  Bottle cmd, response;
627  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
628  cmd.addVocab(v1);
629  cmd.addVocab(v2);
630  cmd.addInt32(axis);
631  cmd.addFloat64(val);
632  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
633  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
634 }
636 bool RemoteControlBoard::setValWithPidType(int voc, PidControlTypeEnum type, int axis, double val)
637 {
638  if (!isLive()) return false;
639  Bottle cmd, response;
640  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
641  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
642  cmd.addVocab(voc);
643  cmd.addVocab(type);
644  cmd.addInt32(axis);
645  cmd.addFloat64(val);
646  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
647  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
648 }
650 bool RemoteControlBoard::setValWithPidType(int voc, PidControlTypeEnum type, const double* val_arr)
651 {
652  if (!isLive()) return false;
653  Bottle cmd, response;
654  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
655  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
656  cmd.addVocab(voc);
657  cmd.addVocab(type);
658  Bottle& l = cmd.addList();
659  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
660  l.addFloat64(val_arr[i]);
661  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
662  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
663 }
665 bool RemoteControlBoard::getValWithPidType(int voc, PidControlTypeEnum type, int j, double *val)
666 {
667  Bottle cmd, response;
668  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
669  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
670  cmd.addVocab(voc);
671  cmd.addVocab(type);
672  cmd.addInt32(j);
673  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
675  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response))
676  {
677  *val = response.get(2).asFloat64();
678  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
679  return true;
680  }
681  return false;
682 }
685 {
686  if (!isLive()) return false;
687  Bottle cmd, response;
688  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
689  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
690  cmd.addVocab(voc);
691  cmd.addVocab(type);
692  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
693  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response))
694  {
695  Bottle* lp = response.get(2).asList();
696  if (lp == nullptr)
697  return false;
698  Bottle& l = *lp;
699  yCAssert(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, nj == l.size());
700  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
701  val[i] = l.get(i).asFloat64();
702  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
703  return true;
704  }
705  return false;
706 }
708 bool RemoteControlBoard::set2V1I(int v1, int v2, int axis)
709 {
710  Bottle cmd, response;
711  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
712  cmd.addVocab(v1);
713  cmd.addVocab(v2);
714  cmd.addInt32(axis);
715  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
716  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
717 }
719 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1V1I1D(int v, int j, double *val)
720 {
721  Bottle cmd, response;
722  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
723  cmd.addVocab(v);
724  cmd.addInt32(j);
725  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
727  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
728  // ok
729  *val = response.get(2).asFloat64();
731  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
732  return true;
733  }
734  return false;
735 }
737 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1V1I1I(int v, int j, int *val)
738 {
739  Bottle cmd, response;
740  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
741  cmd.addVocab(v);
742  cmd.addInt32(j);
743  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
744  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
745  // ok
746  *val = response.get(2).asInt32();
748  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
749  return true;
750  }
751  return false;
752 }
754 bool RemoteControlBoard::get2V1I1D(int v1, int v2, int j, double *val)
755 {
756  Bottle cmd, response;
757  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
758  cmd.addVocab(v1);
759  cmd.addVocab(v2);
760  cmd.addInt32(j);
761  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
763  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
764  // ok
765  *val = response.get(2).asFloat64();
767  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
768  return true;
769  }
770  return false;
771 }
773 bool RemoteControlBoard::get2V1I2D(int v1, int v2, int j, double *val1, double *val2)
774 {
775  Bottle cmd, response;
776  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
777  cmd.addVocab(v1);
778  cmd.addVocab(v2);
779  cmd.addInt32(j);
780  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
781  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
782  // ok
783  *val1 = response.get(2).asFloat64();
784  *val2 = response.get(3).asFloat64();
786  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
787  return true;
788  }
789  return false;
790 }
792 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1V1I2D(int code, int axis, double *v1, double *v2)
793 {
794  Bottle cmd, response;
795  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
796  cmd.addVocab(code);
797  cmd.addInt32(axis);
799  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
801  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
802  *v1 = response.get(2).asFloat64();
803  *v2 = response.get(3).asFloat64();
804  return true;
805  }
806  return false;
807 }
809 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1V1I1B(int v, int j, bool &val)
810 {
811  Bottle cmd, response;
812  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
813  cmd.addVocab(v);
814  cmd.addInt32(j);
815  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
816  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
817  val = (response.get(2).asInt32()!=0);
818  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
819  return true;
820  }
821  return false;
822 }
824 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1V1I1IA1B(int v, const int len, const int *val1, bool &retVal)
825 {
826  Bottle cmd, response;
827  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
828  cmd.addVocab(v);
829  cmd.addInt32(len);
830  Bottle& l1 = cmd.addList();
831  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
832  l1.addInt32(val1[i]);
834  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
836  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
837  retVal = (response.get(2).asInt32()!=0);
838  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
839  return true;
840  }
841  return false;
842 }
844 bool RemoteControlBoard::get2V1I1IA1DA(int v1, int v2, const int n_joints, const int *joints, double *retVals, std::string functionName)
845 {
846  Bottle cmd, response;
847  if (!isLive()) return false;
849  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
850  cmd.addVocab(v1);
851  cmd.addVocab(v2);
852  cmd.addInt32(n_joints);
854  Bottle& l1 = cmd.addList();
855  for (int i = 0; i < n_joints; i++)
856  l1.addInt32(joints[i]);
858  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
860  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response))
861  {
862  int i;
863  Bottle& list = *(response.get(0).asList());
864  yCAssert(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, list.size() >= (size_t) n_joints)
866  if (list.size() != (size_t )n_joints)
867  {
869  "%s length of response does not match: expected %d, received %zu\n ",
870  functionName.c_str(),
871  n_joints ,
872  list.size() );
873  return false;
874  }
875  else
876  {
877  for (i = 0; i < n_joints; i++)
878  {
879  retVals[i] = (double) list.get(i).asFloat64();
880  }
881  return true;
882  }
883  }
884  return false;
885 }
887 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1V1B(int v, bool &val)
888 {
889  Bottle cmd, response;
890  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
891  cmd.addVocab(v);
892  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
893  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
894  val = (response.get(2).asInt32()!=0);
895  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
896  return true;
897  }
898  return false;
899 }
901 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1VIA(int v, int *val)
902 {
903  if (!isLive()) return false;
904  Bottle cmd, response;
905  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
906  cmd.addVocab(v);
907  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
908  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
909  Bottle* lp = response.get(2).asList();
910  if (lp == nullptr)
911  return false;
912  Bottle& l = *lp;
913  yCAssert(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, nj == l.size());
914  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
915  val[i] = l.get(i).asInt32();
917  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
919  return true;
920  }
921  return false;
922 }
924 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1VDA(int v, double *val)
925 {
926  if (!isLive()) return false;
927  Bottle cmd, response;
928  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
929  cmd.addVocab(v);
930  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
931  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
932  Bottle* lp = response.get(2).asList();
933  if (lp == nullptr)
934  return false;
935  Bottle& l = *lp;
936  yCAssert(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, nj == l.size());
937  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
938  val[i] = l.get(i).asFloat64();
940  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
942  return true;
943  }
944  return false;
945 }
947 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1V1DA(int v1, double *val)
948 {
949  if (!isLive()) return false;
950  Bottle cmd, response;
951  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
952  cmd.addVocab(v1);
953  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
955  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
956  Bottle* lp = response.get(2).asList();
957  if (lp == nullptr)
958  return false;
959  Bottle& l = *lp;
960  yCAssert(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, nj == l.size());
961  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
962  val[i] = l.get(i).asFloat64();
964  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
965  return true;
966  }
967  return false;
968 }
970 bool RemoteControlBoard::get2V1DA(int v1, int v2, double *val)
971 {
972  if (!isLive()) return false;
973  Bottle cmd, response;
974  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
975  cmd.addVocab(v1);
976  cmd.addVocab(v2);
977  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
979  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
980  Bottle* lp = response.get(2).asList();
981  if (lp == nullptr)
982  return false;
983  Bottle& l = *lp;
984  yCAssert(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, nj == l.size());
985  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
986  val[i] = l.get(i).asFloat64();
988  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
989  return true;
990  }
991  return false;
992 }
994 bool RemoteControlBoard::get2V2DA(int v1, int v2, double *val1, double *val2)
995 {
996  if (!isLive()) return false;
997  Bottle cmd, response;
998  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
999  cmd.addVocab(v1);
1000  cmd.addVocab(v2);
1001  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1002  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
1003  Bottle* lp1 = response.get(2).asList();
1004  if (lp1 == nullptr)
1005  return false;
1006  Bottle& l1 = *lp1;
1007  Bottle* lp2 = response.get(3).asList();
1008  if (lp2 == nullptr)
1009  return false;
1010  Bottle& l2 = *lp2;
1012  size_t nj1 = l1.size();
1013  size_t nj2 = l2.size();
1014  // yCAssert(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, nj == nj1);
1015  // yCAssert(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, nj == nj2);
1017  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj1; i++)
1018  val1[i] = l1.get(i).asFloat64();
1019  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj2; i++)
1020  val2[i] = l2.get(i).asFloat64();
1022  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
1023  return true;
1024  }
1025  return false;
1026 }
1028 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1V1I1S(int code, int j, std::string &name)
1029 {
1030  Bottle cmd, response;
1031  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
1032  cmd.addVocab(code);
1033  cmd.addInt32(j);
1034  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1036  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
1037  name = response.get(2).asString();
1038  return true;
1039  }
1040  return false;
1041 }
1044 bool RemoteControlBoard::get1V1I1IA1DA(int v, const int len, const int *val1, double *val2)
1045 {
1046  if(!isLive()) return false;
1048  Bottle cmd, response;
1049  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
1050  cmd.addVocab(v);
1051  cmd.addInt32(len);
1052  Bottle &l1 = cmd.addList();
1053  for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
1054  l1.addInt32(val1[i]);
1056  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1058  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
1059  Bottle* lp2 = response.get(2).asList();
1060  if (lp2 == nullptr)
1061  return false;
1062  Bottle& l2 = *lp2;
1064  size_t nj2 = l2.size();
1065  if(nj2 != (unsigned)len)
1066  {
1067  yCError(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "received an answer with an unexpected number of entries!");
1068  return false;
1069  }
1070  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj2; i++)
1071  val2[i] = l2.get(i).asFloat64();
1073  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
1074  return true;
1075  }
1076  return false;
1077 }
1079 // END Helpers functions
1082 {
1083  return get1V1I(VOCAB_AXES, *ax);
1084 }
1086 // BEGIN IPidControl
1088 bool RemoteControlBoard::setPid(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, int j, const Pid &pid)
1089 {
1090  Bottle cmd, response;
1091  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
1092  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
1093  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
1094  cmd.addVocab(pidtype);
1095  cmd.addInt32(j);
1096  Bottle& l = cmd.addList();
1097  l.addFloat64(pid.kp);
1098  l.addFloat64(pid.kd);
1099  l.addFloat64(pid.ki);
1100  l.addFloat64(pid.max_int);
1101  l.addFloat64(pid.max_output);
1102  l.addFloat64(pid.offset);
1103  l.addFloat64(pid.scale);
1104  l.addFloat64(pid.stiction_up_val);
1106  l.addFloat64(pid.kff);
1107  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1108  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
1109 }
1111 bool RemoteControlBoard::setPids(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, const Pid *pids)
1112 {
1113  if (!isLive()) return false;
1114  Bottle cmd, response;
1115  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
1116  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
1117  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PIDS);
1118  cmd.addVocab(pidtype);
1119  Bottle& l = cmd.addList();
1120  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++) {
1121  Bottle& m = l.addList();
1122  m.addFloat64(pids[i].kp);
1123  m.addFloat64(pids[i].kd);
1124  m.addFloat64(pids[i].ki);
1125  m.addFloat64(pids[i].max_int);
1126  m.addFloat64(pids[i].max_output);
1127  m.addFloat64(pids[i].offset);
1128  m.addFloat64(pids[i].scale);
1129  m.addFloat64(pids[i].stiction_up_val);
1130  m.addFloat64(pids[i].stiction_down_val);
1131  m.addFloat64(pids[i].kff);
1132  }
1134  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1135  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
1136 }
1138 bool RemoteControlBoard::setPidReference(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, int j, double ref)
1139 {
1140  return setValWithPidType(VOCAB_REF, pidtype, j, ref);
1141 }
1143 bool RemoteControlBoard::setPidReferences(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, const double *refs)
1144 {
1145  return setValWithPidType(VOCAB_REFS, pidtype, refs);
1146 }
1148 bool RemoteControlBoard::setPidErrorLimit(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, int j, double limit)
1149 {
1150  return setValWithPidType(VOCAB_LIM, pidtype, j, limit);
1151 }
1153 bool RemoteControlBoard::setPidErrorLimits(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, const double *limits)
1154 {
1155  return setValWithPidType(VOCAB_LIMS, pidtype, limits);
1156 }
1158 bool RemoteControlBoard::getPidError(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, int j, double *err)
1159 {
1160  return getValWithPidType(VOCAB_ERR, pidtype, j, err);
1161 }
1163 bool RemoteControlBoard::getPidErrors(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, double *errs)
1164 {
1165  return getValWithPidType(VOCAB_ERRS, pidtype, errs);
1166 }
1168 bool RemoteControlBoard::getPid(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, int j, Pid *pid)
1169 {
1170  Bottle cmd, response;
1171  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
1172  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
1173  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
1174  cmd.addVocab(pidtype);
1175  cmd.addInt32(j);
1176  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1177  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
1178  Bottle* lp = response.get(2).asList();
1179  if (lp == nullptr)
1180  return false;
1181  Bottle& l = *lp;
1182  pid->kp = l.get(0).asFloat64();
1183  pid->kd = l.get(1).asFloat64();
1184  pid->ki = l.get(2).asFloat64();
1185  pid->max_int = l.get(3).asFloat64();
1186  pid->max_output = l.get(4).asFloat64();
1187  pid->offset = l.get(5).asFloat64();
1188  pid->scale = l.get(6).asFloat64();
1189  pid->stiction_up_val = l.get(7).asFloat64();
1190  pid->stiction_down_val = l.get(8).asFloat64();
1191  pid->kff = l.get(9).asFloat64();
1192  return true;
1193  }
1194  return false;
1195 }
1198 {
1199  if (!isLive()) return false;
1200  Bottle cmd, response;
1201  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
1202  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
1203  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PIDS);
1204  cmd.addVocab(pidtype);
1205  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1206  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response))
1207  {
1208  Bottle* lp = response.get(2).asList();
1209  if (lp == nullptr)
1210  return false;
1211  Bottle& l = *lp;
1212  yCAssert(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, nj == l.size());
1213  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
1214  {
1215  Bottle* mp = l.get(i).asList();
1216  if (mp == nullptr)
1217  return false;
1218  pids[i].kp = mp->get(0).asFloat64();
1219  pids[i].kd = mp->get(1).asFloat64();
1220  pids[i].ki = mp->get(2).asFloat64();
1221  pids[i].max_int = mp->get(3).asFloat64();
1222  pids[i].max_output = mp->get(4).asFloat64();
1223  pids[i].offset = mp->get(5).asFloat64();
1224  pids[i].scale = mp->get(6).asFloat64();
1225  pids[i].stiction_up_val = mp->get(7).asFloat64();
1226  pids[i].stiction_down_val = mp->get(8).asFloat64();
1227  pids[i].kff = mp->get(9).asFloat64();
1228  }
1229  return true;
1230  }
1231  return false;
1232 }
1234 bool RemoteControlBoard::getPidReference(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, int j, double *ref)
1235 {
1236  return getValWithPidType(VOCAB_REF, pidtype, j, ref);
1237 }
1240 {
1241  return getValWithPidType(VOCAB_REFS, pidtype, refs);
1242 }
1244 bool RemoteControlBoard::getPidErrorLimit(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, int j, double *limit)
1245 {
1246  return getValWithPidType(VOCAB_LIM, pidtype, j, limit);
1247 }
1249 bool RemoteControlBoard::getPidErrorLimits(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, double *limits)
1250 {
1251  return getValWithPidType(VOCAB_LIMS, pidtype, limits);
1252 }
1255 {
1256  if (!isLive()) return false;
1257  Bottle cmd, response;
1258  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
1259  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
1260  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_RESET);
1261  cmd.addVocab(pidtype);
1262  cmd.addInt32(j);
1263  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1264  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
1265 }
1268 {
1269  if (!isLive()) return false;
1270  Bottle cmd, response;
1271  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
1272  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
1273  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_DISABLE);
1274  cmd.addVocab(pidtype);
1275  cmd.addInt32(j);
1276  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1277  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
1278 }
1281 {
1282  if (!isLive()) return false;
1283  Bottle cmd, response;
1284  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
1285  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
1286  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_ENABLE);
1287  cmd.addVocab(pidtype);
1288  cmd.addInt32(j);
1289  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1290  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
1291 }
1293 bool RemoteControlBoard::isPidEnabled(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, int j, bool* enabled)
1294 {
1295  Bottle cmd, response;
1296  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
1297  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_PID);
1298  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_ENABLE);
1299  cmd.addVocab(pidtype);
1300  cmd.addInt32(j);
1301  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1302  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response))
1303  {
1304  *enabled = response.get(2).asBool();
1305  return true;
1306  }
1307  return false;
1308 }
1310 bool RemoteControlBoard::getPidOutput(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, int j, double *out)
1311 {
1312  return getValWithPidType(VOCAB_OUTPUT, pidtype, j, out);
1313 }
1315 bool RemoteControlBoard::getPidOutputs(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, double *outs)
1316 {
1317  return getValWithPidType(VOCAB_OUTPUTS, pidtype, outs);
1318 }
1320 bool RemoteControlBoard::setPidOffset(const PidControlTypeEnum& pidtype, int j, double v)
1321 {
1322  return setValWithPidType(VOCAB_OFFSET, pidtype, j, v);
1323 }
1325 // END IPidControl
1327 // BEGIN IEncoder
1330 {
1331  return set1V1I(VOCAB_E_RESET, j);
1332 }
1335 {
1336  return set1V(VOCAB_E_RESETS);
1337 }
1339 bool RemoteControlBoard::setEncoder(int j, double val)
1340 {
1341  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_ENCODER, j, val);
1342 }
1344 bool RemoteControlBoard::setEncoders(const double *vals)
1345 {
1346  return set1VDA(VOCAB_ENCODERS, vals);
1347 }
1349 bool RemoteControlBoard::getEncoder(int j, double *v)
1350 {
1351  double localArrivalTime = 0.0;
1353  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1354  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(j, VOCAB_ENCODER, v, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1355  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1356  return ret;
1357 }
1359 bool RemoteControlBoard::getEncoderTimed(int j, double *v, double *t)
1360 {
1361  double localArrivalTime = 0.0;
1363  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1364  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(j, VOCAB_ENCODER, v, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1365  *t=lastStamp.getTime();
1366  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1367  return ret;
1368 }
1371 {
1372  double localArrivalTime = 0.0;
1374  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1375  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_ENCODERS, encs, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1376  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1378  return ret;
1379 }
1381 bool RemoteControlBoard::getEncodersTimed(double *encs, double *ts)
1382 {
1383  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
1385  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1386  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_ENCODERS, encs, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1387  std::fill_n(ts, nj, lastStamp.getTime());
1388  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1389  return ret;
1390 }
1393 {
1394  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
1396  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1397  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(j, VOCAB_ENCODER_SPEED, sp, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1398  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1399  return ret;
1400 }
1403 {
1404  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
1406  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1407  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_ENCODER_SPEEDS, spds, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1408  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1409  return ret;
1410 }
1413 {
1414  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
1415  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1416  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(j, VOCAB_ENCODER_ACCELERATION, acc, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1417  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1418  return ret;
1419 }
1422 {
1423  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
1424  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1425  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_ENCODER_ACCELERATIONS, accs, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1426  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1427  return ret;
1428 }
1430 // END IEncoder
1432 // BEGIN IRemoteVariable
1435 {
1436  Bottle cmd, response;
1437  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
1439  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_VARIABLE);
1440  cmd.addString(key);
1441  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1442  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response))
1443  {
1444  val = *(response.get(2).asList());
1445  return true;
1446  }
1447  return false;
1448 }
1451 {
1452  Bottle cmd, response;
1453  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
1455  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_VARIABLE);
1456  cmd.addString(key);
1457  cmd.append(val);
1458  //std::string s = cmd.toString();
1459  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1461  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
1462 }
1466 {
1467  Bottle cmd, response;
1468  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
1471  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1472  //std::string s = response.toString();
1473  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response))
1474  {
1475  *listOfKeys = *(response.get(2).asList());
1476  //std::string s = listOfKeys->toString();
1477  return true;
1478  }
1479  return false;
1480 }
1482 // END IRemoteVariable
1484 // BEGIN IMotor
1487 {
1488  return get1V1I(VOCAB_MOTORS_NUMBER, *num);
1489 }
1491 bool RemoteControlBoard::getTemperature (int m, double* val)
1492 {
1493  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_TEMPERATURE, m, val);
1494 }
1497 {
1498  return get1VDA(VOCAB_TEMPERATURES, vals);
1499 }
1502 {
1503  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_TEMPERATURE_LIMIT, m, val);
1504 }
1506 bool RemoteControlBoard::setTemperatureLimit (int m, const double val)
1507 {
1508  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_TEMPERATURE_LIMIT, m, val);
1509 }
1511 bool RemoteControlBoard::getGearboxRatio(int m, double* val)
1512 {
1513  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_GEARBOX_RATIO, m, val);
1514 }
1516 bool RemoteControlBoard::setGearboxRatio(int m, const double val)
1517 {
1518  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_GEARBOX_RATIO, m, val);
1519 }
1521 // END IMotor
1523 // BEGIN IMotorEncoder
1526 {
1527  return set1V1I(VOCAB_MOTOR_E_RESET, j);
1528 }
1531 {
1532  return set1V(VOCAB_MOTOR_E_RESETS);
1533 }
1535 bool RemoteControlBoard::setMotorEncoder(int j, const double val)
1536 {
1537  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER, j, val);
1538 }
1541 {
1542  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_MOTOR_CPR, m, cpr);
1543 }
1546 {
1547  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_MOTOR_CPR, m, cpr);
1548 }
1551 {
1552  return set1VDA(VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODERS, vals);
1553 }
1556 {
1557  double localArrivalTime = 0.0;
1559  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1560  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(j, VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER, v, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1561  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1562  return ret;
1563 }
1565 bool RemoteControlBoard::getMotorEncoderTimed(int j, double *v, double *t)
1566 {
1567  double localArrivalTime = 0.0;
1569  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1570  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(j, VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER, v, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1571  *t=lastStamp.getTime();
1572  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1573  return ret;
1574 }
1577 {
1578  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
1580  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1581  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODERS, encs, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1582  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1584  return ret;
1585 }
1587 bool RemoteControlBoard::getMotorEncodersTimed(double *encs, double *ts)
1588 {
1589  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
1591  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1592  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODERS, encs, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1593  std::fill_n(ts, nj, lastStamp.getTime());
1594  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1595  return ret;
1596 }
1599 {
1600  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
1601  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1602  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(j, VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER_SPEED, sp, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1603  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1604  return ret;
1605 }
1608 {
1609  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
1610  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1611  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER_SPEEDS, spds, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1612  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1613  return ret;
1614 }
1617 {
1618  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
1619  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1620  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(j, VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER_ACCELERATION, acc, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1621  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1622  return ret;
1623 }
1626 {
1627  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
1628  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1629  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER_SPEEDS, accs, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1630  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1631  return ret;
1632 }
1635 {
1636  return get1V1I(VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER_NUMBER, *num);
1637 }
1639 // END IMotorEncoder
1641 // BEGIN IPreciselyTimed
1648 {
1649  Stamp ret;
1650 // mutex.lock();
1651  ret = lastStamp;
1652 // mutex.unlock();
1653  return ret;
1654 }
1656 // END IPreciselyTimed
1658 // BEGIN IPositionControl
1660 bool RemoteControlBoard::positionMove(int j, double ref)
1661 {
1662  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE, j, ref);
1663 }
1665 bool RemoteControlBoard::positionMove(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *refs)
1666 {
1667  return set1V1I1IA1DA(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE_GROUP, n_joint, joints, refs);
1668 }
1670 bool RemoteControlBoard::positionMove(const double *refs)
1671 {
1672  return set1VDA(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES, refs);
1673 }
1675 bool RemoteControlBoard::getTargetPosition(const int joint, double *ref)
1676 {
1677  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE, joint, ref);
1678 }
1681 {
1682  return get1V1DA(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES, refs);
1683 }
1685 bool RemoteControlBoard::getTargetPositions(const int n_joint, const int *joints, double *refs)
1686 {
1687  return get1V1I1IA1DA(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE_GROUP, n_joint, joints, refs);
1688 }
1690 bool RemoteControlBoard::relativeMove(int j, double delta)
1691 {
1692  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_RELATIVE_MOVE, j, delta);
1693 }
1695 bool RemoteControlBoard::relativeMove(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *refs)
1696 {
1697  return set1V1I1IA1DA(VOCAB_RELATIVE_MOVE_GROUP, n_joint, joints, refs);
1698 }
1700 bool RemoteControlBoard::relativeMove(const double *deltas)
1701 {
1702  return set1VDA(VOCAB_RELATIVE_MOVES, deltas);
1703 }
1706 {
1707  return get1V1I1B(VOCAB_MOTION_DONE, j, *flag);
1708 }
1710 bool RemoteControlBoard::checkMotionDone(const int n_joint, const int *joints, bool *flag)
1711 {
1712  return get1V1I1IA1B(VOCAB_MOTION_DONE_GROUP, n_joint, joints, *flag);
1713 }
1716 {
1717  return get1V1B(VOCAB_MOTION_DONES, *flag);
1718 }
1720 bool RemoteControlBoard::setRefSpeed(int j, double sp)
1721 {
1722  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_REF_SPEED, j, sp);
1723 }
1725 bool RemoteControlBoard::setRefSpeeds(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *spds)
1726 {
1727  return set1V1I1IA1DA(VOCAB_REF_SPEED_GROUP, n_joint, joints, spds);
1728 }
1730 bool RemoteControlBoard::setRefSpeeds(const double *spds)
1731 {
1732  return set1VDA(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS, spds);
1733 }
1736 {
1737  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION, j, acc);
1738 }
1740 bool RemoteControlBoard::setRefAccelerations(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *accs)
1741 {
1742  return set1V1I1IA1DA(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION_GROUP, n_joint, joints, accs);
1743 }
1746 {
1747  return set1VDA(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS, accs);
1748 }
1750 bool RemoteControlBoard::getRefSpeed(int j, double *ref)
1751 {
1752  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_REF_SPEED, j, ref);
1753 }
1755 bool RemoteControlBoard::getRefSpeeds(const int n_joint, const int *joints, double *spds)
1756 {
1757  return get1V1I1IA1DA(VOCAB_REF_SPEED_GROUP, n_joint, joints, spds);
1758 }
1761 {
1762  return get1VDA(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS, spds);
1763 }
1766 {
1767  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION, j, acc);
1768 }
1770 bool RemoteControlBoard::getRefAccelerations(const int n_joint, const int *joints, double *accs)
1771 {
1772  return get1V1I1IA1DA(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION_GROUP, n_joint, joints, accs);
1773 }
1776 {
1777  return get1VDA(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS, accs);
1778 }
1781 {
1782  return set1V1I(VOCAB_STOP, j);
1783 }
1785 bool RemoteControlBoard::stop(const int len, const int *val1)
1786 {
1787  if (!isLive()) return false;
1788  Bottle cmd, response;
1789  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
1791  cmd.addInt32(len);
1792  int i;
1793  Bottle& l1 = cmd.addList();
1794  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
1795  l1.addInt32(val1[i]);
1797  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1798  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
1799 }
1802 {
1803  return set1V(VOCAB_STOPS);
1804 }
1806 // END IPositionControl
1808 // BEGIN IVelocityControl
1811 {
1812  // return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE, j, v);
1813  if (!isLive()) return false;
1814  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
1815  c.head.clear();
1816  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE);
1817  c.head.addInt32(j);
1818  c.body.resize(1);
1819  memcpy(&(c.body[0]), &v, sizeof(double));
1820  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_singleJoint);
1821  return true;
1822 }
1825 {
1826  if (!isLive()) return false;
1827  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
1828  c.head.clear();
1829  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES);
1830  c.body.resize(nj);
1831  memcpy(&(c.body[0]), v, sizeof(double)*nj);
1832  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_moreJoints);
1833  return true;
1834 }
1836 // END IVelocityControl
1838 // BEGIN IAmplifierControl
1841 {
1842  return set1V1I(VOCAB_AMP_ENABLE, j);
1843 }
1846 {
1847  return set1V1I(VOCAB_AMP_DISABLE, j);
1848 }
1851 {
1852  return get1VIA(VOCAB_AMP_STATUS, st);
1853 }
1856 {
1857  return get1V1I1I(VOCAB_AMP_STATUS_SINGLE, j, st);
1858 }
1861 {
1862  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_AMP_MAXCURRENT, j, v);
1863 }
1866 {
1867  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_AMP_MAXCURRENT, j, v);
1868 }
1871 {
1872  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_AMP_NOMINAL_CURRENT, m, val);
1873 }
1875 bool RemoteControlBoard::setNominalCurrent(int m, const double val)
1876 {
1877  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_AMP_NOMINAL_CURRENT, m, val);
1878 }
1880 bool RemoteControlBoard::getPeakCurrent(int m, double *val)
1881 {
1882  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_AMP_PEAK_CURRENT, m, val);
1883 }
1885 bool RemoteControlBoard::setPeakCurrent(int m, const double val)
1886 {
1887  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_AMP_PEAK_CURRENT, m, val);
1888 }
1890 bool RemoteControlBoard::getPWM(int m, double* val)
1891 {
1892  double localArrivalTime = 0.0;
1893  extendedPortMutex.lock();
1894  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(m, VOCAB_PWMCONTROL_PWM_OUTPUT, val, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
1895  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
1896  return ret;
1897 }
1899 bool RemoteControlBoard::getPWMLimit(int m, double* val)
1900 {
1901  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_AMP_PWM_LIMIT, m, val);
1902 }
1904 bool RemoteControlBoard::setPWMLimit(int m, const double val)
1905 {
1906  return set1V1I1D(VOCAB_AMP_PWM_LIMIT, m, val);
1907 }
1910 {
1911  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_AMP_VOLTAGE_SUPPLY, m, val);
1912 }
1914 // END IAmplifierControl
1916 // BEGIN IControlLimits
1918 bool RemoteControlBoard::setLimits(int axis, double min, double max)
1919 {
1920  return set1V1I2D(VOCAB_LIMITS, axis, min, max);
1921 }
1923 bool RemoteControlBoard::getLimits(int axis, double *min, double *max)
1924 {
1925  return get1V1I2D(VOCAB_LIMITS, axis, min, max);
1926 }
1928 bool RemoteControlBoard::setVelLimits(int axis, double min, double max)
1929 {
1930  return set1V1I2D(VOCAB_VEL_LIMITS, axis, min, max);
1931 }
1933 bool RemoteControlBoard::getVelLimits(int axis, double *min, double *max)
1934 {
1935  return get1V1I2D(VOCAB_VEL_LIMITS, axis, min, max);
1936 }
1938 // END IControlLimits
1940 // BEGIN IAxisInfo
1942 bool RemoteControlBoard::getAxisName(int j, std::string& name)
1943 {
1944  return get1V1I1S(VOCAB_INFO_NAME, j, name);
1945 }
1948 {
1949  return get1V1I1I(VOCAB_INFO_TYPE, j, (int*)&type);
1950 }
1952 // END IAxisInfo
1954 // BEGIN IControlCalibration
1956 {
1957  return send1V(VOCAB_CALIBRATE);
1958 }
1961 {
1962  return send1V(VOCAB_ABORTCALIB);
1963 }
1966 {
1967  return send1V(VOCAB_ABORTPARK);
1968 }
1971 {
1972  return send1V(VOCAB_PARK);
1973 }
1975 bool RemoteControlBoard::calibrateAxisWithParams(int j, unsigned int ui, double v1, double v2, double v3)
1976 {
1977  Bottle cmd, response;
1980  cmd.addInt32(j);
1981  cmd.addInt32(ui);
1982  cmd.addFloat64(v1);
1983  cmd.addFloat64(v2);
1984  cmd.addFloat64(v3);
1986  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
1988  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
1989  return true;
1990  }
1991  return false;
1992 }
1995 {
1996  Bottle cmd, response;
1999  cmd.addInt32(j);
2000  cmd.addInt32(params.type);
2001  cmd.addFloat64(params.param1);
2002  cmd.addFloat64(params.param2);
2003  cmd.addFloat64(params.param3);
2004  cmd.addFloat64(params.param4);
2006  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2008  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
2009  return true;
2010  }
2011  return false;
2012 }
2015 {
2016  return send1V1I(VOCAB_CALIBRATE_DONE, j);
2017 }
2019 // END IControlCalibration
2021 // BEGIN ITorqueControl
2024 {
2025  return get2V1I1D(VOCAB_TORQUE, VOCAB_REF, j, t);
2026 }
2029 {
2030  return get2V1DA(VOCAB_TORQUE, VOCAB_REFS, t);
2031 }
2034 {
2035  //Now we use streaming instead of rpc
2036  //return set2V1DA(VOCAB_TORQUE, VOCAB_REFS, t);
2037  if (!isLive()) return false;
2038  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
2039  c.head.clear();
2040  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_TORQUES_DIRECTS);
2042  c.body.resize(nj);
2044  memcpy(c.body.data(), t, sizeof(double) * nj);
2046  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_moreJoints);
2047  return true;
2048 }
2051 {
2052  //return set2V1I1D(VOCAB_TORQUE, VOCAB_REF, j, v);
2053  // use the streaming port!
2054  if (!isLive()) return false;
2055  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
2056  c.head.clear();
2057  // in streaming port only SET command can be sent, so it is implicit
2058  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_TORQUES_DIRECT);
2059  c.head.addInt32(j);
2061  c.body.clear();
2062  c.body.resize(1);
2063  c.body[0] = v;
2064  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_singleJoint);
2065  return true;
2066 }
2068 bool RemoteControlBoard::setRefTorques(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *t)
2069 {
2070  //return set2V1I1D(VOCAB_TORQUE, VOCAB_REF, j, v);
2071  // use the streaming port!
2072  if (!isLive()) return false;
2073  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
2074  c.head.clear();
2075  // in streaming port only SET command can be sent, so it is implicit
2076  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_TORQUES_DIRECT_GROUP);
2077  c.head.addInt32(n_joint);
2078  Bottle &jointList = c.head.addList();
2079  for (int i = 0; i < n_joint; i++)
2080  jointList.addInt32(joints[i]);
2081  c.body.resize(n_joint);
2082  memcpy(&(c.body[0]), t, sizeof(double)*n_joint);
2083  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_moreJoints);
2084  return true;
2085 }
2088 {
2089  Bottle cmd, response;
2090  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2091  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_TORQUE);
2093  cmd.addInt32(j);
2094  Bottle& b = cmd.addList();
2095  b.addFloat64(params.bemf);
2096  b.addFloat64(params.bemf_scale);
2097  b.addFloat64(params.ktau);
2098  b.addFloat64(params.ktau_scale);
2099  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2100  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2101 }
2104 {
2105  Bottle cmd, response;
2106  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
2107  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_TORQUE);
2109  cmd.addInt32(j);
2110  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2111  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
2112  Bottle* lp = response.get(2).asList();
2113  if (lp == nullptr)
2114  return false;
2115  Bottle& l = *lp;
2116  if (l.size() != 4)
2117  {
2118  yCError(REMOTECONTROLBOARD, "getMotorTorqueParams return value not understood, size!=4");
2119  return false;
2120  }
2121  params->bemf = l.get(0).asFloat64();
2122  params->bemf_scale = l.get(1).asFloat64();
2123  params->ktau = l.get(2).asFloat64();
2124  params->ktau_scale = l.get(3).asFloat64();
2125  return true;
2126  }
2127  return false;
2128 }
2130 bool RemoteControlBoard::getTorque(int j, double *t)
2131 {
2132  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
2133  extendedPortMutex.lock();
2134  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(j, VOCAB_TRQ, t, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
2135  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
2136  return ret;
2137 }
2140 {
2141  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
2142  extendedPortMutex.lock();
2143  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_TRQS, t, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
2144  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
2145  return ret;
2146 }
2148 bool RemoteControlBoard::getTorqueRange(int j, double *min, double* max)
2149 {
2150  return get2V1I2D(VOCAB_TORQUE, VOCAB_RANGE, j, min, max);
2151 }
2153 bool RemoteControlBoard::getTorqueRanges(double *min, double *max)
2154 {
2155  return get2V2DA(VOCAB_TORQUE, VOCAB_RANGES, min, max);
2156 }
2158 // END ITorqueControl
2160 // BEGIN IImpedanceControl
2162 bool RemoteControlBoard::getImpedance(int j, double *stiffness, double *damping)
2163 {
2164  Bottle cmd, response;
2165  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
2168  cmd.addInt32(j);
2169  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2170  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
2171  Bottle* lp = response.get(2).asList();
2172  if (lp == nullptr)
2173  return false;
2174  Bottle& l = *lp;
2175  *stiffness = l.get(0).asFloat64();
2176  *damping = l.get(1).asFloat64();
2177  return true;
2178  }
2179  return false;
2180 }
2182 bool RemoteControlBoard::getImpedanceOffset(int j, double *offset)
2183 {
2184  Bottle cmd, response;
2185  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
2188  cmd.addInt32(j);
2189  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2190  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
2191  Bottle* lp = response.get(2).asList();
2192  if (lp == nullptr)
2193  return false;
2194  Bottle& l = *lp;
2195  *offset = l.get(0).asFloat64();
2196  return true;
2197  }
2198  return false;
2199 }
2201 bool RemoteControlBoard::setImpedance(int j, double stiffness, double damping)
2202 {
2203  Bottle cmd, response;
2204  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2207  cmd.addInt32(j);
2209  Bottle& b = cmd.addList();
2210  b.addFloat64(stiffness);
2211  b.addFloat64(damping);
2213  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2214  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2215 }
2217 bool RemoteControlBoard::setImpedanceOffset(int j, double offset)
2218 {
2219  Bottle cmd, response;
2220  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2223  cmd.addInt32(j);
2225  Bottle& b = cmd.addList();
2226  b.addFloat64(offset);
2228  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2229  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2230 }
2232 bool RemoteControlBoard::getCurrentImpedanceLimit(int j, double *min_stiff, double *max_stiff, double *min_damp, double *max_damp)
2233 {
2234  Bottle cmd, response;
2235  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
2237  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_LIMITS);
2238  cmd.addInt32(j);
2239  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2240  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response)) {
2241  Bottle* lp = response.get(2).asList();
2242  if (lp == nullptr)
2243  return false;
2244  Bottle& l = *lp;
2245  *min_stiff = l.get(0).asFloat64();
2246  *max_stiff = l.get(1).asFloat64();
2247  *min_damp = l.get(2).asFloat64();
2248  *max_damp = l.get(3).asFloat64();
2249  return true;
2250  }
2251  return false;
2252 }
2254 // END IImpedanceControl
2256 // BEGIN IControlMode
2259 {
2260  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
2261  extendedPortMutex.lock();
2262  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(j, VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODE, mode, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
2263  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
2264  return ret;
2265 }
2268 {
2269  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
2270  extendedPortMutex.lock();
2271  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODES, modes, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
2272  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
2273  return ret;
2274 }
2276 bool RemoteControlBoard::getControlModes(const int n_joint, const int *joints, int *modes)
2277 {
2278  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
2280  extendedPortMutex.lock();
2281  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODES, last_wholePart.controlMode.data(), lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
2282  if(ret)
2283  {
2284  for (int i = 0; i < n_joint; i++)
2285  modes[i] = last_wholePart.controlMode[joints[i]];
2286  }
2287  else
2288  ret = false;
2290  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
2291  return ret;
2292 }
2294 bool RemoteControlBoard::setControlMode(const int j, const int mode)
2295 {
2296  if (!isLive()) return false;
2297  Bottle cmd, response;
2298  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2301  cmd.addInt32(j);
2302  cmd.addVocab(mode);
2304  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2305  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2306 }
2308 bool RemoteControlBoard::setControlModes(const int n_joint, const int *joints, int *modes)
2309 {
2310  if (!isLive()) return false;
2311  Bottle cmd, response;
2312  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2315  cmd.addInt32(n_joint);
2316  int i;
2317  Bottle& l1 = cmd.addList();
2318  for (i = 0; i < n_joint; i++)
2319  l1.addInt32(joints[i]);
2321  Bottle& l2 = cmd.addList();
2322  for (i = 0; i < n_joint; i++)
2323  l2.addVocab(modes[i]);
2325  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2326  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2327 }
2330 {
2331  if (!isLive()) return false;
2332  Bottle cmd, response;
2333  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2337  Bottle& l2 = cmd.addList();
2338  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
2339  l2.addVocab(modes[i]);
2341  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2342  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2343 }
2345 // END IControlMode
2347 // BEGIN IPositionDirect
2349 bool RemoteControlBoard::setPosition(int j, double ref)
2350 {
2351  if (!isLive()) return false;
2352  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
2353  c.head.clear();
2354  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_POSITION_DIRECT);
2355  c.head.addInt32(j);
2356  c.body.resize(1);
2357  memcpy(&(c.body[0]), &ref, sizeof(double));
2358  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_singleJoint);
2359  return true;
2360 }
2362 bool RemoteControlBoard::setPositions(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *refs)
2363 {
2364  if (!isLive()) return false;
2365  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
2366  c.head.clear();
2367  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_POSITION_DIRECT_GROUP);
2368  c.head.addInt32(n_joint);
2369  Bottle &jointList = c.head.addList();
2370  for (int i = 0; i < n_joint; i++)
2371  jointList.addInt32(joints[i]);
2372  c.body.resize(n_joint);
2373  memcpy(&(c.body[0]), refs, sizeof(double)*n_joint);
2374  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_moreJoints);
2375  return true;
2376 }
2378 bool RemoteControlBoard::setPositions(const double *refs)
2379 {
2380  if (!isLive()) return false;
2381  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
2382  c.head.clear();
2383  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_POSITION_DIRECTS);
2384  c.body.resize(nj);
2385  memcpy(&(c.body[0]), refs, sizeof(double)*nj);
2386  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_moreJoints);
2387  return true;
2388 }
2390 bool RemoteControlBoard::getRefPosition(const int joint, double* ref)
2391 {
2392  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_POSITION_DIRECT, joint, ref);
2393 }
2396 {
2397  return get1V1DA(VOCAB_POSITION_DIRECTS, refs);
2398 }
2400 bool RemoteControlBoard::getRefPositions(const int n_joint, const int* joints, double* refs)
2401 {
2402  return get1V1I1IA1DA(VOCAB_POSITION_DIRECT_GROUP, n_joint, joints, refs);
2403 }
2405 // END IPositionDirect
2407 // BEGIN IVelocityControl
2409 bool RemoteControlBoard::velocityMove(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *spds)
2410 {
2411  // streaming port
2412  if (!isLive())
2413  return false;
2414  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
2415  c.head.clear();
2416  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE_GROUP);
2417  c.head.addInt32(n_joint);
2418  Bottle &jointList = c.head.addList();
2419  for (int i = 0; i < n_joint; i++)
2420  jointList.addInt32(joints[i]);
2421  c.body.resize(n_joint);
2422  memcpy(&(c.body[0]), spds, sizeof(double)*n_joint);
2423  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_moreJoints);
2424  return true;
2425 }
2427 bool RemoteControlBoard::getRefVelocity(const int joint, double* vel)
2428 {
2429  return get1V1I1D(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE, joint, vel);
2430 }
2433 {
2434  return get1VDA(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES, vels);
2435 }
2437 bool RemoteControlBoard::getRefVelocities(const int n_joint, const int* joints, double* vels)
2438 {
2439  return get1V1I1IA1DA(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE_GROUP, n_joint, joints, vels);
2440 }
2442 // END IVelocityControl
2444 // BEGIN IInteractionMode
2447 {
2448  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
2449  extendedPortMutex.lock();
2450  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(axis, VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODE, (int*) mode, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
2451  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
2452  return ret;
2453 }
2456 {
2457  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
2459  extendedPortMutex.lock();
2460  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODES, last_wholePart.interactionMode.data(), lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
2461  if(ret)
2462  {
2463  for (int i = 0; i < n_joints; i++)
2464  modes[i] = (yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum)last_wholePart.interactionMode[joints[i]];
2465  }
2466  else
2467  ret = false;
2469  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
2470  return ret;
2471 }
2474 {
2475  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
2476  extendedPortMutex.lock();
2477  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODES, (int*) modes, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
2478  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
2479  return ret;
2480 }
2483 {
2484  Bottle cmd, response;
2485  if (!isLive()) return false;
2487  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2490  cmd.addInt32(axis);
2491  cmd.addVocab(mode);
2493  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2494  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2495 }
2498 {
2499  Bottle cmd, response;
2500  if (!isLive()) return false;
2502  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2505  cmd.addInt32(n_joints);
2507  Bottle& l1 = cmd.addList();
2508  for (int i = 0; i < n_joints; i++)
2509  l1.addInt32(joints[i]);
2511  Bottle& l2 = cmd.addList();
2512  for (int i = 0; i < n_joints; i++)
2513  {
2514  l2.addVocab(modes[i]);
2515  }
2516  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2517  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2518 }
2521 {
2522  Bottle cmd, response;
2523  if (!isLive()) return false;
2525  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2529  Bottle& l1 = cmd.addList();
2530  for (size_t i = 0; i < nj; i++)
2531  l1.addVocab(modes[i]);
2533  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2534  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2535 }
2537 // END IInteractionMode
2539 // BEGIN IRemoteCalibrator
2542 {
2543  Bottle cmd, response;
2544  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
2547  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2548  if(ok) {
2549  *isCalib = response.get(2).asInt32()!=0;
2550  } else {
2551  *isCalib = false;
2552  }
2553  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2554 }
2557 {
2559 }
2562 {
2563  Bottle cmd, response;
2564  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2567  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2568  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2569 }
2572 {
2574 }
2577 {
2578  Bottle cmd, response;
2579  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2582  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2583  yCDebug(REMOTECONTROLBOARD) << "Sent homing whole part message";
2584  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2585 }
2588 {
2590 }
2593 {
2594  Bottle cmd, response;
2595  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2598  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2599  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2600 }
2603 {
2604  Bottle cmd, response;
2605  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2608  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2609  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2610 }
2613 {
2614  Bottle cmd, response;
2615  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_SET);
2618  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2619  return CHECK_FAIL(ok, response);
2620 }
2622 // END IRemoteCalibrator
2624 // BEGIN ICurrentControl
2627 {
2629 }
2632 {
2634 }
2636 bool RemoteControlBoard::setRefCurrents(const double *refs)
2637 {
2638  if (!isLive()) return false;
2639  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
2640  c.head.clear();
2642  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_CURRENT_REFS);
2643  c.body.resize(nj);
2644  memcpy(&(c.body[0]), refs, sizeof(double)*nj);
2645  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_moreJoints);
2646  return true;
2647 }
2649 bool RemoteControlBoard::setRefCurrent(int j, double ref)
2650 {
2651  if (!isLive()) return false;
2652  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
2653  c.head.clear();
2655  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_CURRENT_REF);
2656  c.head.addInt32(j);
2657  c.body.resize(1);
2658  memcpy(&(c.body[0]), &ref, sizeof(double));
2659  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_singleJoint);
2660  return true;
2661 }
2663 bool RemoteControlBoard::setRefCurrents(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *refs)
2664 {
2665  if (!isLive()) return false;
2666  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
2667  c.head.clear();
2669  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_CURRENT_REF_GROUP);
2670  c.head.addInt32(n_joint);
2671  Bottle &jointList = c.head.addList();
2672  for (int i = 0; i < n_joint; i++)
2673  jointList.addInt32(joints[i]);
2674  c.body.resize(n_joint);
2675  memcpy(&(c.body[0]), refs, sizeof(double)*n_joint);
2676  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_moreJoints);
2677  return true;
2678 }
2681 {
2682  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
2683  extendedPortMutex.lock();
2684  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS, vals, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
2685  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
2686  return ret;
2687 }
2689 bool RemoteControlBoard::getCurrent(int j, double *val)
2690 {
2691  double localArrivalTime=0.0;
2692  extendedPortMutex.lock();
2693  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(j, VOCAB_AMP_CURRENT, val, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
2694  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
2695  return ret;
2696 }
2698 bool RemoteControlBoard::getCurrentRange(int j, double *min, double *max)
2699 {
2701 }
2703 bool RemoteControlBoard::getCurrentRanges(double *min, double *max)
2704 {
2706 }
2708 // END ICurrentControl
2710 // BEGIN IPWMControl
2712 {
2713  // using the streaming port
2714  if (!isLive()) return false;
2715  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
2716  c.head.clear();
2717  // in streaming port only SET command can be sent, so it is implicit
2718  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_PWMCONTROL_INTERFACE);
2719  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_PWMCONTROL_REF_PWM);
2720  c.head.addInt32(j);
2722  c.body.clear();
2723  c.body.resize(1);
2724  c.body[0] = v;
2725  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_singleJoint);
2726  return true;
2727 }
2730 {
2731  // using the streaming port
2732  if (!isLive()) return false;
2733  CommandMessage& c = command_buffer.get();
2734  c.head.clear();
2735  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_PWMCONTROL_INTERFACE);
2736  c.head.addVocab(VOCAB_PWMCONTROL_REF_PWMS);
2738  c.body.resize(nj);
2740  memcpy(&(c.body[0]), v, sizeof(double)*nj);
2742  command_buffer.write(writeStrict_moreJoints);
2744  return true;
2745 }
2747 bool RemoteControlBoard::getRefDutyCycle(int j, double *ref)
2748 {
2749  Bottle cmd, response;
2750  cmd.addVocab(VOCAB_GET);
2753  cmd.addInt32(j);
2754  response.clear();
2756  bool ok = rpc_p.write(cmd, response);
2758  if (CHECK_FAIL(ok, response))
2759  {
2760  // ok
2761  *ref = response.get(2).asFloat64();
2763  getTimeStamp(response, lastStamp);
2764  return true;
2765  }
2766  else
2767  return false;
2768 }
2771 {
2773 }
2775 bool RemoteControlBoard::getDutyCycle(int j, double *out)
2776 {
2777  double localArrivalTime = 0.0;
2778  extendedPortMutex.lock();
2779  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastSingle(j, VOCAB_PWMCONTROL_PWM_OUTPUT, out, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
2780  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
2781  return ret;
2782 }
2785 {
2786  double localArrivalTime = 0.0;
2787  extendedPortMutex.lock();
2788  bool ret = extendedIntputStatePort.getLastVector(VOCAB_PWMCONTROL_PWM_OUTPUTS, outs, lastStamp, localArrivalTime);
2789  extendedPortMutex.unlock();
2790  return ret;
2791 }
2792 // END IPWMControl
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_PARK_SINGLE_JOINT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_REMOTE_CALIBRATOR_INTERFACE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_HOMING_WHOLE_PART
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_PARK_WHOLE_PART
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_QUIT_PARK
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_IS_CALIBRATOR_PRESENT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CALIBRATE_SINGLE_JOINT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_HOMING_SINGLE_JOINT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CALIBRATE_WHOLE_PART
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_QUIT_CALIBRATE
define control board standard interfaces
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_TIMESTAMP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_REF_SPEED
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_STOPS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTION_DONE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_STOP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTION_DONES
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_PROTOCOL_VERSION
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_RELATIVE_MOVE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_RELATIVE_MOVES
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES
float t
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_LIM
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:30
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_OUTPUTS
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:36
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ENABLE
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:34
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_DISABLE
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:33
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_REF
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:27
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ERRS
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:21
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_GET
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:16
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_OUTPUT
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:35
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ERR
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:20
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_REFS
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:28
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_RESET
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:32
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_AXES
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:39
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_SET
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:15
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_OFFSET
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:26
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_LIMS
Definition: GenericVocabs.h:31
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_AMP_DISABLE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_AMP_PEAK_CURRENT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_AMP_ENABLE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_AMP_VOLTAGE_SUPPLY
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_AMP_CURRENT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_AMP_MAXCURRENT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_AMP_STATUS_SINGLE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_AMP_STATUS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_AMP_NOMINAL_CURRENT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_AMP_PWM_LIMIT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_INFO_TYPE
Definition: IAxisInfo.h:93
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_INFO_NAME
Definition: IAxisInfo.h:92
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ABORTCALIB
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CALIBRATE_JOINT_PARAMS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ABORTPARK
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CALIBRATE_DONE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CALIBRATE_JOINT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CALIBRATE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_PARK
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_LIMITS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_VEL_LIMITS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODE_GROUP
Definition: IControlMode.h:121
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODES
Definition: IControlMode.h:122
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODE
Definition: IControlMode.h:120
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ICONTROLMODE
Definition: IControlMode.h:118
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CURRENT_REF_GROUP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CURRENT_REFS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CURRENT_RANGE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CURRENTCONTROL_INTERFACE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CURRENT_REF
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_CURRENT_RANGES
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_E_RESET
Definition: IEncoders.h:209
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ENCODER_ACCELERATIONS
Definition: IEncoders.h:218
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ENCODER
Definition: IEncoders.h:211
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ENCODER_SPEEDS
Definition: IEncoders.h:216
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_E_RESETS
Definition: IEncoders.h:210
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ENCODER_SPEED
Definition: IEncoders.h:215
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ENCODER_ACCELERATION
Definition: IEncoders.h:217
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_ENCODERS
Definition: IEncoders.h:212
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_IMPEDANCE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODES
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODE_GROUP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_INTERFACE_INTERACTION_MODE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER_SPEED
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER_ACCELERATION
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER_SPEEDS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODER_NUMBER
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTOR_E_RESETS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTOR_E_RESET
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTOR_ENCODERS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTOR_CPR
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_TEMPERATURES
Definition: IMotor.h:167
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_TEMPERATURE_LIMIT
Definition: IMotor.h:168
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_TEMPERATURE
Definition: IMotor.h:165
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_GEARBOX_RATIO
Definition: IMotor.h:166
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTORS_NUMBER
Definition: IMotor.h:164
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_PWMCONTROL_INTERFACE
Definition: IPWMControl.h:144
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_PWMCONTROL_PWM_OUTPUTS
Definition: IPWMControl.h:149
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_PWMCONTROL_REF_PWMS
Definition: IPWMControl.h:147
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_PWMCONTROL_REF_PWM
Definition: IPWMControl.h:146
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_PWMCONTROL_PWM_OUTPUT
Definition: IPWMControl.h:148
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_PIDS
Definition: IPidControl.h:385
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_PID
Definition: IPidControl.h:384
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION_GROUP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_STOP_GROUP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_RELATIVE_MOVE_GROUP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE_GROUP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTION_DONE_GROUP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_REF_SPEED_GROUP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_POSITION_DIRECTS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_POSITION_DIRECT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_POSITION_DIRECT_GROUP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_LIST_VARIABLES
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_VARIABLE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_REMOTE_VARIABILE_INTERFACE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_TORQUE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_TRQ
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_TORQUES_DIRECTS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_TRQS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_RANGE
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_IMP_OFFSET
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_MOTOR_PARAMS
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_IMP_PARAM
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_TORQUES_DIRECT_GROUP
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_RANGES
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_TORQUES_DIRECT
constexpr yarp::conf::vocab32_t VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE_GROUP
bool ret
const yarp::os::LogComponent & REMOTECONTROLBOARD()
void run() override
Loop function.
void setOwner(StateExtendedInputPort *o)
bool setPidReferences(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, const double *refs) override
Set the controller reference, multiple axes.
bool getTorques(double *t) override
Get the value of the torque for all joints (this is the feedback if you have torque sensors).
bool relativeMove(int j, double delta) override
Set relative position.
bool getCurrentImpedanceLimit(int j, double *min_stiff, double *max_stiff, double *min_damp, double *max_damp) override
Get the current impedandance limits for a specific joint.
bool getRefSpeeds(const int n_joint, const int *joints, double *spds) override
Get reference speed of all joints.
bool get1V1I1B(int v, int j, bool &val)
Helper method used to get a double value from the remote peer.
bool quitCalibrate() override
quitCalibrate: interrupt the calibration procedure
bool getRefPositions(double *refs) override
Get the last position reference for all axes.
bool get1V1I1IA1B(int v, const int len, const int *val1, bool &retVal)
bool open(Searchable &config) override
Open the DeviceDriver.
bool getEncoder(int j, double *v) override
Read the value of an encoder.
bool send2V1I(int v1, int v2, int axis)
bool setPositions(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *refs) override
Set new reference point for all axes.
bool setControlMode(const int j, const int mode) override
Set the current control mode.
bool isPidEnabled(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, bool *enabled) override
Get the current status (enabled/disabled) of the pid.
bool getPeakCurrent(int m, double *val) override
bool getLimits(int axis, double *min, double *max) override
Get the software limits for a particular axis.
bool getPWM(int m, double *val) override
bool get1VDA(int v, double *val)
Helper method to get an array of double from the remote peer.
bool set2V1DA(int v1, int v2, const double *val)
bool get1V1I(int code, int &v) const
Send a GET command expecting an integer value in return.
bool getNominalCurrent(int m, double *val) override
bool resetPid(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j) override
Reset the controller of a given joint, usually sets the current status of the joint as the reference ...
bool setPeakCurrent(int m, const double val) override
bool getPidOutputs(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, double *outs) override
Get the output of the controllers (e.g.
bool send2V(int v1, int v2)
bool set1V1I(int code, int v)
Send a SET command with an additional integer valued variable and then wait for a reply.
bool setInteractionMode(int axis, yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum mode) override
Set the interaction mode of the robot, values can be stiff or compliant.
bool getTemperatureLimit(int m, double *val) override
Retreives the current temperature limit for a specific motor.
bool getPidError(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double *err) override
Get the current error for a joint.
bool getPidReference(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double *ref) override
Get the current reference of the pid controller for a specific joint.
bool homingSingleJoint(int j) override
homingSingleJoint: call the homing procedure for a single joint
bool checkMotionDone(int j, bool *flag) override
Check if the current trajectory is terminated.
bool getMotorEncoderCountsPerRevolution(int m, double *cpr) override
Gets number of counts per revolution for motor encoder m.
bool setMotorEncoderCountsPerRevolution(int m, const double cpr) override
Sets number of counts per revolution for motor encoder m.
bool set2V1I(int v1, int v2, int axis)
bool setRefDutyCycle(int j, double v) override
Sets the reference dutycycle to a single motor.
bool getRefAccelerations(const int n_joint, const int *joints, double *accs) override
Get reference acceleration for a joint.
bool setPidErrorLimit(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double limit) override
Set the error limit for the controller on a specifi joint.
bool setMaxCurrent(int j, double v) override
bool getPowerSupplyVoltage(int m, double *val) override
bool getRefVelocity(const int joint, double *vel) override
Get the last reference speed set by velocityMove for single joint.
bool getPidOutput(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double *out) override
Get the output of the controller (e.g.
bool get1V1I1IA1DA(int v, const int len, const int *val1, double *val2)
bool get1V1DA(int v1, double *val)
Helper method to get an array of double from the remote peer.
bool setRefSpeed(int j, double sp) override
Set reference speed for a joint, this is the speed used during the interpolation of the trajectory.
bool setInteractionModes(int n_joints, int *joints, yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *modes) override
Set the interaction mode of the robot for a set of joints, values can be stiff or compliant.
bool getRefCurrent(int j, double *t) override
Get the reference value of the current for a single motor.
bool getEncoders(double *encs) override
Read the position of all axes.
bool get1V1I1S(int code, int j, std::string &name)
bool set1V(int code)
Send a SET command without parameters and wait for a reply.
Stamp getLastInputStamp() override
Get the time stamp for the last read data.
bool getMotorEncoder(int j, double *v) override
Read the value of a motor encoder.
bool getTemperature(int m, double *val) override
Get temperature of a motor.
bool setPidReference(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double ref) override
Set the controller reference for a given axis.
bool setImpedance(int j, double stiffness, double damping) override
Set current impedance gains (stiffness,damping) for a specific joint.
bool getMotorEncoderTimed(int j, double *v, double *t) override
Read the instantaneous position of a motor encoder.
bool getDutyCycles(double *outs) override
Gets the current dutycycle of the output of the amplifier (i.e.
bool setRefCurrent(int j, double ref) override
Set the reference value of the current for a single motor.
bool setControlModes(const int n_joint, const int *joints, int *modes) override
Set the current control mode for a subset of axes.
bool setPid(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, const Pid &pid) override
Set new pid value for a joint axis.
bool set1V1I2D(int code, int j, double val1, double val2)
bool getPidErrors(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, double *errs) override
Get the error of all joints.
bool close() override
Close the device driver and stop the port connections.
bool parkSingleJoint(int j, bool _wait=true) override
parkSingleJoint(): start the parking procedure for the single joint
bool setMotorEncoders(const double *vals) override
Set the value of all motor encoders.
bool getTargetPositions(double *refs) override
Get the last position reference for all axes.
bool setEncoders(const double *vals) override
Set the value of all encoders.
bool set1VDA(int v, const double *val)
Helper method used to set an array of double to all axes.
bool getPid(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, Pid *pid) override
Get current pid value for a specific joint.
bool setPosition(int j, double ref) override
Set new position for a single axis.
bool get2V1I2D(int v1, int v2, int j, double *val1, double *val2)
bool getJointType(int j, yarp::dev::JointTypeEnum &type) override
bool resetMotorEncoder(int j) override
Reset motor encoder, single motor.
bool getEncoderSpeed(int j, double *sp) override
Read the istantaneous speed of an axis.
bool setGearboxRatio(int m, const double val) override
Set the gearbox ratio for a specific motor.
bool resetMotorEncoders() override
Reset motor encoders.
bool getCurrentRanges(double *min, double *max) override
Get the full scale of the current measurements for all motors motor (e.g.
bool getAmpStatus(int *st) override
bool setRefTorque(int j, double v) override
Set the reference value of the torque for a given joint.
bool enablePid(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j) override
Enable the pid computation for a joint.
bool calibrateWholePart() override
calibrateWholePart: call the procedure for calibrating the whole device
bool getImpedance(int j, double *stiffness, double *damping) override
Get current impedance gains (stiffness,damping,offset) for a specific joint.
bool getPidErrorLimits(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, double *limits) override
Get the error limit for all controllers.
bool getMotorEncoders(double *encs) override
Read the position of all motor encoders.
bool setPids(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, const Pid *pids) override
Set new pid value on multiple axes.
bool setMotorEncoder(int j, const double val) override
Set the value of the motor encoder for a given motor.
bool velocityMove(int j, double v) override
Start motion at a given speed, single joint.
bool setRemoteVariable(std::string key, const yarp::os::Bottle &val) override
bool setPidErrorLimits(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, const double *limits) override
Get the error limit for the controller on all joints.
bool calibrationDone(int j) override
Check if the calibration is terminated, on a particular joint.
bool setPidOffset(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double v) override
Set offset value for a given controller.
bool get2V1I1D(int v1, int v2, int j, double *val)
bool abortCalibration() override
bool setRefCurrents(const double *refs) override
Set the reference value of the currents for all motors.
bool getMotorEncoderAcceleration(int j, double *acc) override
Read the instantaneous acceleration of a motor encoder.
bool setRefTorques(const double *t) override
Set the reference value of the torque for all joints.
bool getNumberOfMotors(int *num) override
Retrieves the number of controlled axes from the current physical interface.
bool getInteractionModes(int n_joints, int *joints, yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *modes) override
Get the current interaction mode of the robot for a set of joints, values can be stiff or compliant.
bool get1VIA(int v, int *val)
Helper method to get an array of integers from the remote peer.
bool set1V1I1IA1DA(int v, const int len, const int *val1, const double *val2)
bool getInteractionMode(int axis, yarp::dev::InteractionModeEnum *mode) override
Get the current interaction mode of the robot, values can be stiff or compliant.
bool getCurrentRange(int j, double *min, double *max) override
Get the full scale of the current measurement for a given motor (e.g.
bool getEncoderAcceleration(int j, double *acc) override
Read the instantaneous acceleration of an axis.
bool get1V1B(int v, bool &val)
bool getVelLimits(int axis, double *min, double *max) override
Get the software speed limits for a particular axis.
bool setEncoder(int j, double val) override
Set the value of the encoder for a given joint.
bool send1V1I(int v, int axis)
bool get1V1I2D(int code, int axis, double *v1, double *v2)
bool resetEncoders() override
Reset encoders.
bool checkProtocolVersion(bool ignore)
bool setImpedanceOffset(int j, double offset) override
Set current force Offset for a specific joint.
bool get2V1I1IA1DA(int v1, int v2, const int n_joints, const int *joints, double *retVals, std::string functionName="")
bool getGearboxRatio(int m, double *val) override
Get the gearbox ratio for a specific motor.
bool getRefAcceleration(int j, double *acc) override
Get reference acceleration for a joint.
bool getMaxCurrent(int j, double *v) override
Returns the maximum electric current allowed for a given motor.
bool set2V2DA(int v1, int v2, const double *val1, const double *val2)
bool get2V1DA(int v1, int v2, double *val)
Helper method to get an array of double from the remote peer.
bool setRefAccelerations(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *accs) override
Set reference acceleration on all joints.
bool setNominalCurrent(int m, const double val) override
bool getMotorTorqueParams(int j, MotorTorqueParameters *params) override
Get a subset of motor parameters (bemf, ktau etc) useful for torque control.
bool getRefTorques(double *t) override
Get the reference value of the torque for all joints.
bool getTorque(int j, double *t) override
Get the value of the torque on a given joint (this is the feedback if you have a torque sensor).
bool getRemoteVariable(std::string key, yarp::os::Bottle &val) override
bool getRefDutyCycles(double *refs) override
Gets the last reference sent using the setRefDutyCycles function.
bool set1V2D(int code, double v)
Send a SET command and an additional double valued variable and then wait for a reply.
bool getRemoteVariablesList(yarp::os::Bottle *listOfKeys) override
bool getMotorEncoderSpeed(int j, double *sp) override
Read the istantaneous speed of a motor encoder.
bool getTemperatures(double *vals) override
Get temperature of all the motors.
bool get2V2DA(int v1, int v2, double *val1, double *val2)
bool get1V1D(int code, double &v) const
Send a GET command expecting a double value in return.
bool setRefSpeeds(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *spds) override
Set reference speed on all joints.
bool getControlMode(int j, int *mode) override
Get the current control mode.
bool isCalibratorDevicePresent(bool *isCalib) override
isCalibratorDevicePresent: check if a calibrator device has been set
bool homingWholePart() override
homingWholePart: call the homing procedure for a the whole part/device
bool set2V1I1D(int v1, int v2, int axis, double val)
bool parkWholePart() override
parkWholePart: start the parking procedure for the whole part
bool calibrateRobot() override
Calibrate robot by using an external calibrator.
bool getControlModes(int *modes) override
Get the current control mode (multiple joints).
bool getMotorEncoderAccelerations(double *accs) override
Read the instantaneous acceleration of all motor encoders.
bool resetEncoder(int j) override
Reset encoder, single joint.
bool getDutyCycle(int j, double *out) override
Gets the current dutycycle of the output of the amplifier (i.e.
bool getTargetPosition(const int joint, double *ref) override
Get the last position reference for the specified axis.
bool send3V1I(int v1, int v2, int v3, int j)
bool getRefVelocities(double *vels) override
Get the last reference speed set by velocityMove for all joints.
bool getCurrent(int j, double *val) override
bool getAxes(int *ax) override
Get the number of controlled axes.
bool getPidErrorLimit(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j, double *limit) override
Get the error limit for the controller on a specific joint.
bool stop() override
Stop motion, multiple joints.
bool setPWMLimit(int m, const double val) override
bool getRefSpeed(int j, double *ref) override
Get reference speed for a joint.
bool getRefPosition(const int joint, double *ref) override
Get the last position reference for the specified axis.
bool set1V1I1D(int code, int j, double val)
Helper method to set a double value to a single axis.
bool getEncoderTimed(int j, double *v, double *t) override
Read the instantaneous acceleration of all axes.
bool setCalibrationParameters(int j, const CalibrationParameters &params) override
Start calibration, this method is very often platform specific.
bool getRefTorque(int j, double *t) override
Get the reference value of the torque for a given joint.
bool setTemperatureLimit(int m, const double val) override
Set the temperature limit for a specific motor.
bool setValWithPidType(int voc, PidControlTypeEnum type, int axis, double val)
bool calibrateSingleJoint(int j) override
calibrateSingleJoint: call the calibration procedure for the single joint
bool enableAmp(int j) override
Enable the amplifier on a specific joint.
bool getEncoderSpeeds(double *spds) override
Read the instantaneous speed of all axes.
bool getTorqueRanges(double *min, double *max) override
Get the full scale of the torque sensors of all joints.
bool park(bool wait=true) override
bool setRefAcceleration(int j, double acc) override
Set reference acceleration for a joint.
bool getRefDutyCycle(int j, double *ref) override
Gets the last reference sent using the setRefDutyCycle function.
bool getMotorEncodersTimed(double *encs, double *ts) override
Read the instantaneous position of all motor encoders.
bool getImpedanceOffset(int j, double *offset) override
Get current force Offset for a specific joint.
bool getValWithPidType(int voc, PidControlTypeEnum type, int j, double *val)
bool calibrateAxisWithParams(int j, unsigned int ui, double v1, double v2, double v3) override
Start calibration, this method is very often platform specific.
bool getNumberOfMotorEncoders(int *num) override
Get the number of available motor encoders.
bool disablePid(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, int j) override
Disable the pid computation for a joint.
bool getMotorEncoderSpeeds(double *spds) override
Read the instantaneous speed of all motor encoders.
bool getPWMLimit(int m, double *val) override
bool getCurrents(double *vals) override
bool disableAmp(int j) override
Disable the amplifier on a specific joint.
bool setVelLimits(int axis, double min, double max) override
Set the software speed limits for a particular axis, the behavior of the control card when these limi...
bool getEncodersTimed(double *encs, double *ts) override
Read the instantaneous acceleration of all axes.
bool getPids(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, Pid *pids) override
Get current pid value for a specific joint.
bool get1V1I1D(int v, int j, double *val)
Helper method used to get a double value from the remote peer.
bool getEncoderAccelerations(double *accs) override
Read the instantaneous acceleration of all axes.
bool setMotorTorqueParams(int j, const MotorTorqueParameters params) override
Set a subset of motor parameters (bemf, ktau etc) useful for torque control.
bool setLimits(int axis, double min, double max) override
Set the software limits for a particular axis, the behavior of the control card when these limits are...
bool getTorqueRange(int j, double *min, double *max) override
Get the full scale of the torque sensor of a given joint.
bool setRefDutyCycles(const double *v) override
Sets the reference dutycycle for all the motors.
bool positionMove(int j, double ref) override
Set new reference point for a single axis.
bool quitPark() override
quitPark: interrupt the park procedure
bool get1V1I1I(int v, int j, int *val)
Helper method used to get an integer value from the remote peer.
bool getAxisName(int j, std::string &name) override
bool getPidReferences(const PidControlTypeEnum &pidtype, double *refs) override
Get the current reference of all pid controllers.
bool getRefCurrents(double *t) override
Get the reference value of the currents for all motors.
Contains the parameters for a PID.
double kd
derivative gain
double scale
scale for the pid output
double offset
pwm offset added to the pid output
double stiction_down_val
down stiction offset added to the pid output
double stiction_up_val
up stiction offset added to the pid output
double max_output
max output
double kff
feedforward gain
double ki
integrative gain
double max_int
saturation threshold for the integrator
double kp
proportional gain
A simple collection of objects that can be described and transmitted in a portable way.
Definition: Bottle.h:73
void append(const Bottle &alt)
Append the content of the given bottle to the current list.
Definition: Bottle.cpp:383
Bottle & addList()
Places an empty nested list in the bottle, at the end of the list.
Definition: Bottle.cpp:185
size_type size() const
Gets the number of elements in the bottle.
Definition: Bottle.cpp:254
void addFloat64(yarp::conf::float64_t x)
Places a 64-bit floating point number in the bottle, at the end of the list.
Definition: Bottle.cpp:161
void addVocab(int x)
Places a vocabulary item in the bottle, at the end of the list.
Definition: Bottle.cpp:167
Value & get(size_type index) const
Reads a Value v from a certain part of the list.
Definition: Bottle.cpp:249
bool check(const std::string &key) const override
Check if there exists a property of the given name.
Definition: Bottle.cpp:280
void clear()
Empties the bottle of any objects it contains.
Definition: Bottle.cpp:124
void addInt32(std::int32_t x)
Places a 32-bit integer in the bottle, at the end of the list.
Definition: Bottle.cpp:143
void addString(const char *str)
Places a string in the bottle, at the end of the list.
Definition: Bottle.cpp:173
Value & find(const std::string &key) const override
Gets a value corresponding to a given keyword.
Definition: Bottle.cpp:290
std::string getName() const override
Get name of port.
static bool connect(const std::string &src, const std::string &dest, const std::string &carrier="", bool quiet=true)
Request that an output port connect to an input port.
Definition: Network.cpp:685
static bool setConnectionQos(const std::string &src, const std::string &dest, const QosStyle &srcStyle, const QosStyle &destStyle, bool quiet=true)
Adjust the Qos preferences of a connection.
Definition: Network.cpp:1082
An abstraction for a periodic thread.
PeriodicThread(double period, ShouldUseSystemClock useSystemClock=ShouldUseSystemClock::No)
Group a pair of objects to be sent and received together.
Definition: PortablePair.h:51
BODY body
An object of the second type (BODY).
Definition: PortablePair.h:61
HEAD head
An object of the first type (HEAD).
Definition: PortablePair.h:56
Preferences for the port's Quality of Service.
Definition: QosStyle.h:26
void setThreadPriority(int priority)
sets the communication thread priority level
Definition: QosStyle.h:130
bool setPacketPriority(const std::string &priority)
sets the packet priority from a string.
Definition: QosStyle.cpp:42
void setThreadPolicy(int policy)
sets the communication thread scheduling policy
Definition: QosStyle.h:140
A base class for nested structures that can be searched.
Definition: Searchable.h:69
virtual Value & find(const std::string &key) const =0
Gets a value corresponding to a given keyword.
virtual bool check(const std::string &key) const =0
Check if there exists a property of the given name.
virtual Bottle & findGroup(const std::string &key) const =0
Gets a list corresponding to a given keyword.
An abstraction for a time stamp and/or sequence number.
Definition: Stamp.h:25
A single value (typically within a Bottle).
Definition: Value.h:47
virtual yarp::conf::float64_t asFloat64() const
Get 64-bit floating point value.
Definition: Value.cpp:225
virtual bool asBool() const
Get boolean value.
Definition: Value.cpp:189
virtual std::int32_t asInt32() const
Get 32-bit integer value.
Definition: Value.cpp:207
virtual Bottle * asList() const
Get list value.
Definition: Value.cpp:243
virtual std::int32_t asVocab() const
Get vocabulary identifier as an integer.
Definition: Value.cpp:231
virtual std::string asString() const
Get string value.
Definition: Value.cpp:237
#define yCInfo(component,...)
Definition: LogComponent.h:135
#define yCError(component,...)
Definition: LogComponent.h:157
#define yCAssert(component, x)
Definition: LogComponent.h:172
#define yCWarning(component,...)
Definition: LogComponent.h:146
#define yCDebug(component,...)
Definition: LogComponent.h:112
An interface for the device drivers.
Definition: PidEnums.h:21
An interface to the operating system, including Port based communication.
Signal processing.
Definition: Image.h:25